You may have heard recently (or not so recently) of a strange band called Twenty One Pilots. You may be thinking, "What kind of band name is that?" It is a very punk rock name and therefore, very unique. This band has swept the nation with strangely deep lyrics. When listening to the songs, you may not even understand what is being said. Yet you are moved emotionally all the same. This has been a factor in their success. They do not promote certain beliefs or social tendencies, but rather they sing those emotions that everyone feels at some point in their life. The emotions no one has been capable of putting to words. But there are 21 more reasons that Twenty One Pilots has almost become a household name.
1. Tyler and Josh's friendship.
2. The lyrics.
It's all those thoughts you've had but never spoke aloud (and maybe a few you did say aloud).
3. Josh's flips.
4. The tricycles.
5. Does your band have a handshake?
6. Tyler.
He doesn't even try. He just wanted to say a lot of words in a short amount of time. It worked, though.
7. They're adorable.
9. Josh.
10. So many distractions.
11. Those emotions put to words.
12. Ukulele is super punk rock.
13. Can't help falling in love.
14. They get it.
15. Super. Punk. Rock.
16. Music for all.
17. Oh, Tyler.
18. Everything has a deeper meaning.
19. They get each other.
Maybe a little too well.
20. It's all very simple.
21. They just want you to feel better.
And we think they've done a pretty darn good job at it, too.