College is a crazy time in one's life. And the fact that we all start experiencing the highs and lows of entering adulthood doesn't make it any less crazier. As we start learning the lessons of how to “successfully" adult, we're forced to come to terms with the new reality we're facing.
Here are 21 realities of adulting in college:
1. Bills, bills, and more bills
Once you start having them they never stop and it seems every time you’ve paid one off you have another to pay right after.
2. Once you start adulting, you can never stop
It’s just one large, vicious, endless cycle of responsibilities. It’s like you got on a roller coaster but the attendant never lets you off and you’re just stuck with all the ups and downs and turns.
3. Life and death become a lot more real
As a kid, the meaning of life of death never really clicks as it does when you're an adult. Then you start realizing all there is to life and how much one has to lose.
4. Just because you have a 12-page page paper to write doesn’t mean work will understand
Getting the education I’m paying thousands for or not going homeless is an endless debate with no real appealing answer.
5. Every decision you make you can really tell the effect it has
In your youth you never really noticed the impact each decision you make has on your life or even someone else’s.
6. You never know if you’re making the right life choices
Am I pursuing the right degree? Should I move here? Am I attending the right school? Should I accept this job?
The questions keep on coming and you make decisions. But sometimes you wonder if you’ve been making all the right ones.
7. It’s really, really hard sometimes
There’s no way to truly prepare for what adulting entails.
8. The saying, “you only regret the chances that you didn’t take” is 100% true
If I were to think of things I regret, it’s all chances I was too scared to take. My New Years resolution this year is to stop letting my fears control my every life.
9. It’s easy to forget about yourself and your own needs, but it’s important we never do
With all that’s going on sometimes you forget about your own needs.
10. Pets are a lifesaver of epic preportions
My two cats create my comfort zone, my safety zone, and are my stress relievers.
11. It’s OK to change your mind
It’s your life. Do what’s best for you. And if a choice you made previously isntnwhat you want anymore then change it.
12. Entertainment is in many ways just as important as eating
You need entertainment to get through the trials of adulting.
13. Finding a balance to life isn’t always possible and that reality isn’t easy to come to terms with
I’m not sure if I’ll ever come to terms to not being able to create my perfectly balanced life where all my needs are being met.
14. It’s okay to make mistakes
Mistakes are natural and normal. Don’t beat yourself up over them.
15. It’s never too late to take a chance
Don’t let time passed prevent you from living the life you want to live.
16. Sometimes being the better person sucks
I totally get why someone people give up on it. It’s not always the easiest route to take. It’s always easier and makes me happier looking back then it is in the moment.
17. You don’t feel like you should be an adult yet, but here you are
Me? An adult? Oh man, this can’t end well.
18. You learn to cherish every moment as if it’s your last
Life and death become a lot more real and with that a greater understanding of what could be lost.
19. Our fears become more noticeably impactful on our lives
We don't take chances because we're so scared of something. As we get older we really start noticing the impact those fears have on our day to day lives.
20. After having to budget you learn you really spend way too much on food
But will that impact how much food you buy? That is to be seen.
21. Tax season is either the best or worst time of the year
You’re either in for a nice sum of extra cash or having to fork over any savings you’ve managed to put together.