1. What is wrong with Sue the doll on the Island of Misfit Toys in Rudolph?
2. Where do all my socks go?
3. How come they haven't found a way to turn chocolate into a vegetable?
4. When do I start to feel like an adult?
5. Will loading the dishwasher ever not feel like torture?6. When will I learn to properly wrap a present?7. When will I understand the stock market?
8. Why did I ever believe in an Easter bunny and why was I not horrified at a large animal coming into my house?
9. Why does the Easter Bunny leave eggs? Why isn't it the Easter Chicken?
10. Why does PH make the F sound? Why can't it just always be F?
11. Why do we have silent letters?
12. Why did my mom ever let me get side bangs/frosted tips?i
13. Who made up that I'd get salmonella from eating cookie dough? Because I'm still kicking.14.Will there ever come a day that I don't get zits?
15. Will I ever pay off my college loans?
16. Why weren't girls blessed with the ability to peewhile standing up?
17. Why was I required to take physics in high school?18. How come nail polish stays on my toes forever, but my nails chip within five minutes?19. Will I ever pick up my headphones and have them not be tangled into hopeless knots?
20. Will we never know who the real A in Pretty Little Liars is? Also will this show ever end?
21. But seriously, how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?