1. When the real truth of college comes out
Doesn't everyone go to school because they need the degree to make the money?
2. Being a boss at managing that homework load
Two 3-page papers, one lab report, and thirty math problems all due by Friday? Oh yeah, I've got this.
3. Running into that one person you don't like
If your campus is really small, unfortunately, your chances of running into that person gets higher.
4. When the weekend finally rolls around
5. When no one knows what they want to do
Should we go out or stay in?
6. Your reasoning for any questionable behavior
7. When you start to question why you went to college in the first place
Don't forget though: you still need that degree to make money in the future.
8. That grand entrance you make whenever you enter a class late
Only we usually look a lot more unkempt and are still dressed in our sweatpants.
9. Listening to what our friends did this time
10. You don't talk about what crazy stuff happens here
The first rule of college: you don't talk about college (especially not with your parents).
11. When you just let loose with your best friends
This usually needs to happen at least once a day during finals week.
12. The only reason you go to any events on campus
13. Aiming for that high GPA
14. And of course, you want to hear the latest gossip about your friends' relationships
Don't deny that you don't want to know.
15. Remember that test you still have to study for?
And pulling that all-nighter to cram.