Let's face it, sometimes the 20s suck. It's a very confusing time in our lives, filled with so much pressure to enjoy our youth but build a solid foundation for the future. Here's 21 tips on making this decade less sucky:
1. Make time to do what you want.
It doesn't matter if you want to knit some mittens, binge watch a guilty pleasure on Netflix, or buy a pet turtle, just DO it. You need something to keep yourself sane.
2. Cut out toxic relationships in your life.
These include friends, romantic relationships and even family members.
3. Don't compare your success with others.
You need to be proud of how far you've come and the things that you have accomplished. Don't allow yourself to feel behind because someone is further in their studies or career than you.
4. Don't stay in a relationship because you're comfortable.
Your 20s are about finding yourself and breaking down doors, don't settle for anyone.
5. If it scares you, do it.
Being scared of something usually means change will come with it. Embrace the change.
6. Remember that your mental health is more important than your GPA.
Yes, good grades not only look good on your transcripts but for your self-esteem; BUT sleepless nights and overstudying aren't worth it.
7. Save money.
I know this sounds like a given, but so many of us don't save. Even if it's $10 each paycheck, put some money aside.
8. Prioritize your money.
I know it's cliche, but would you rather have $50 and a $250 bag or $250 and a $50 bag? A decent iPad costs about $300, that could buy you a roundtrip ticket. Memories are much more important than material items.
9. Tell people how you feel.
If you have feelings for someone, tell them. If your best friend is doing something that hurts you, tell them. Life is too short to let important things go unsaid.
10. Act like a kid.
Nothing is better than acting like a little kid sometimes. Build a blanket fort, buy a coloring book, watch your favorite Disney movie, just do something your five-year-old self would be proud of.
11. Call your parents.
It's something I'm guilty of not doing enough myself, but call your parents. They miss you, they love you, and no matter how boring your days might be, they wanna hear all about them.
12. Pick up a healthy hobby.
Start running, do yoga, CrossFit, anything really; just be active. Your body will thank you for it.
13. Hang out with your siblings.
If you're lucky enough to have siblings, hang out with them as much as possible. They become your best friends as you age. If you don't have siblings, make sure you make time for your closest friends. They become your family.
14. Trust your intuition.
That feeling you get in your gut that something is wrong is usually right. Trust it.
15. Don't let anyone treat you poorly.
Respect yourself and stick up for yourself when necessary. No one is allowed to bring you down but yourself.
16. Keep your room clean.
Another thing I'm not so good at, but also so important. It's a stress reliever to come home to a clean room and a made bed.
17. Keep a planner.
Write everything down, set plans and goals. It's so much easier to keep everything organized when you write it down.
18. Sort out your closet.
Get rid of clothes you don't wear anymore, donate them, give them away, or sell the expensive ones. Just only keep the items you actually wear.
19. Stop stressing about things you can't control.
You can't control everything, so stop stressing over them. Focus on the things you can change for a happier life.
20. Don't take no for an answer.
If you want something, don't stop until you have it. No one ever landed their dream job by giving up.
21. Don't skip the party.
We're young and need to have fun. You never know where a job is going to take you, and how little you'll see the people you care about when life takes its natural path. Enjoy the moments you have.
Now get out there and enjoy your 20s!