Why is turning 21 such a feat? So your license turns horizontal and you can now legally drink the alcohol you have been consuming for years already. Big deal? I think that the real feat of turning 21 is surviving all of the mistakes leading up to the big day. At 21, you have officially broken into your twenties, endured half of your college years and taken a peak into the real world. A lot can be learned from 21 years of life.
1. Change is OK. Never be afraid to try something new. Don't be scared to change your mind. Change is often exciting!
2. The past does not equal your future. Learn from your past mistakes. Do not live in regret and learn to forgive others for their past.
3. You are not the center of the universe. Not everything revolves around you. You are ultimately the only one to look out for yourself.
3. Time management is key. Learn how to budget your time wisely. No one cares about your excuse when you don't follow through with a deadline.
4. Saving money is not easy. The freedom of living on your own comes with the freedom of spending how you want. Picking up a part time job is not a bad idea.
5. You do not need to put up with negative people. You will meet so many people during your life. Keeping around the unhealthy relationships is not necessary.
6. The memories are more valuable than the Instagrams. Always remember to live in the moment.
7. Taking risks is a good thing. Challenges help you grow. Take a risk and see what happens.
8. Over-thinking something will get you nowhere. Dwelling on the small things will not help. Look at the bigger picture and think realistically.
9. You must find balance. All play and no work is just as bad as all work and no play.
10. Making new friends shouldn't mean losing old friends. Don't lose sight of the relationships you have built in the past. You can never have too many friends.
11. Finding a job is hard. Stay open minded and explore all opportunities. Do not give up because of rejection.
12. People change. Just because you thought you knew someone years ago, does not mean you know who they are today.
13. Naps are not just for toddlers. Sleep is your body's time to rejuvenate. You need sleep.
14. Perfection does not exist. Do not strive to be something you're not. Nobody is perfect.
15. Life is not like the movies. Setting expectations is OK, but do not put yourself in a situation to be let down.
16. We all need a good cry once in awhile. Just let it out. Over the smallest thing. You gotta do it.
17. You are in charge of your happiness. Do not let someone else decide the way you feel.
18. If you do not ask, you will not receive. Life will not be handed to you on a silver platter. You must work for what you want.
19. A real relationship is not a secret. You should only be with someone who is proud to be with you and want to share that with everyone.
20. Nobody has it all figured out. You will continue to make mistakes and discover more lessons in the years ahead.
21. The best is yet to come.