By the time this article posts I'll be newly 21. Which is weird to think because I feel like I've been waiting for this year to come since I started college. 21 is that age that everyone hypes up because they say it's so much fun since you get to go out to bars and stuff. But what they fail to tell you is all the responsibility that comes with it. But this article isn't about that lol this bad boy is about some life lessons I've learned along the way
These life lessons, some kinda snuck up on me in a way (I think those some of the best ones) and some I've learned along the way.
1. Self care is 100% needed
Self-care is very important its what helps you stay in a good mental, physical, and emotional state. Everyone’s self care looks different since it can literally be anything. Just remember to block out time for yourself
2. Be kind to everyone
Being kind to people isn’t hard at all. Its as simple as a small smile or holding a door open.
3. Laugh. Cry. And everything in between
Remember its okay to have emotions. Whether its crying or being mad, emotions are part of being human. There’s no stopping them.
4. Live in the moment
This means put your phone away and talk to the people around you. You never know whom you’ll meet.
5. Don't spread yourself too thin
This is one of the easiest things you can do to yourself. Granted sometimes its nice to be busy but there comes a point where its too much. You don’t wan to get to this point trust me.
6. Not everyone is gonna like you and that's okay
Everyone’s entitled to their opinions and that includes who they like and don’t like.
7. Step out of your comfort zone and try new things
You may find something that you really like.
8. Stay positive.
Being negative is no fun.
9. Don't dwell on the past.
The past can’t be changed but the future can be. So why do you want to dwell on things that you cant change when you can think about things that can be changes.
10. Try not to get caught up on the 'what ifs' in life
11. You make an impact on everyone you come in contact with
It could be as simple as smiling at someone you're still making an impact on that person because maybe they were having the worst day of their life and then you smiled at them.
12. Smile a lot if not always
Smiling just makes you happier
13. Take the time to tell the people you care about that you love and appreciate them.
You might assume that they already know but assuming is never good so JUST TELL THEM.
14. Dream big.
No dream is unreachable because you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it.
15. It's okay to say no.
Saying no isn’t the end of the world,
16. Staying in for the night isn't as bad as it sounds.
Staying in and watching movies with friends is just as fun as a night out.
17. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Sometimes you have to suck it up and ask for help, It isn’t as bad as it seems.
18. Stand up for what you believe in.
You’re beliefs matter so stand by them.
19. It's the little things in life.
From a small gesture to a tiny moment in time and everything in between it’s the little things that make life big.
20. Adventure.
Go as many places as you can.
There’s only one you so don’t be a copy of someone else