We always want to be the happiest person we can be at any given moment. In my 20 years of life, I have found a few rock solid tips that help me be the happiest I can be.
1. Use your strengths daily.
Everyone is good at something. It does not matter what your strengths may be, it is important to find those strengths and use them daily. Using your strengths daily will boost your confidence and help you overcome the moments when you find your weaknesses.
2. Forgive yourself.
No matter what you did, it is forgivable. If Jesus can forgive you, you can forgive yourself. The only person you are hurting by not forgiving yourself is you. It is not worth the pain to walk around with an inner issues, involving the past, in your way.
3. Forgive others.
Even when they don't say sorry. People are not perfect and we can't expect them to be. All we can do is forgive them for what they did wrong and move on. If a person tells you they are sorry, they really are, and they deserve forgiveness. If a person never tells you they are sorry, they aren't, but not forgiving them only hurts you. They will not be effected because they don't care.
4. Give more, ask less.
To simply put it, the feeling of receiving a gift will never compare to the feeling of giving a gift. Seeing the face of the person who received something from you is PRICELESS! It makes, even the hardest of hearts, happy!
5. Get rid of people who bring you down (no matter how close they may be to you).
Sometimes the people who bring us down the most are the ones we are closest to. If your friends are bad influences, get rid of them. If your boyfriend makes you sad, get rid of him. etc.. etc.. Life is too short for us to allow negative people in our lives to ruin us.
6. Stop worrying so much.
We all do it. We worry about what others think, who is talking behind our back, what the future holds and so much more. Life is full of healthy worries. Worrying about your sick loved ones or when you will get your homework done is not going to hurt you. But worrying about the insignificant things we cannot control will only bring us down.
7. Don't complain about it if you haven't tried to fix it.
Nobody enjoys being around someone who complains all the time. Everybody needs to vent now and then but when you become the person who complains non stop, your respect level from others goes down. Instead of complaining, take action. It actually works.
8. Spend your time and effort on things/people you love.
When you love something, it brings you joy. When you spend time dong things you love, it brings you joy. When you love someone, they bring you joy. When you spend time with someone you love, they bring you joy. Don't miss out on those joys.
9. Put yourself first sometimes.
Putting others before yourself is great but we all need "ME" days. It's not selfish, it's healthy.
10. Slow down and smell the roses (or just get off your phone).
Too often in life we find ourselves watching the clock, checking our phones, reading social media and not enjoying the beautiful things that God has put right in front of our face.
11. Count your blessings.
I don't know what else to say, just do it. You will feel refreshed and grateful for the life you live.
12. Stop letting people who do not appreciate you, bring you down.
We all have that friend or friends who we do everything for and they never return the favor. We also know the feeling we get every time we do something for them knowing they don't appreciate it. Don't let them bring you down, remember that you are doing what a real friend should and that is all that matters.
13. Help others.
Big or small, do what you can to help the people around you. Helping others, helps ourselves.
14. Live every day like it's your last (sounds corny but...).
It very well could be. If we woke up and decided every day, that it might be our last day on Earth, I am 100 percent positive we would make it the best day we could with whatever is thrown our way.
15. Let loose and have some fun every now and then.
We all have a different definition of fun. Whatever your definition is, put it in play every now and then. Life is too short to be serious all the time.
16. Love yourself.
I do not know if I believe the saying, "You must love yourself before someone else can love you." But I do believe my own personal saying, "You must love yourself before it is easy for someone to love you and for you to love someone back."
17. Be patient.
Good things come with time. Stop trying to rush everything in life.
18. Remember that you are important.
Everybody has those days where they feel like they are good for nothing. Remember that God put you on Earth for a purpose and someone needs you. YOU MATTER!
19. Learn from your mistakes, or others.
If it did not work out the first time, it probably won't work the second.
20. Take (good/loving) advice from others.
When someone has your best interest in mind, the advice they give you is only to make you a better you. I know I hate hearing people tell me I am wrong but for the most part, I am wrong and the person telling me is only trying to help.
21. SMILE.
A little smile goes a long way. It makes you and the people around you feel better!