Ah, Glen Ridge. As my lifetime of education in the Glen Ridge School District comes to a gradual close, I have noticed that my experience is pretty similar to that of my peers. Here is a list of 21 things that EVERYONE who goes to Glen Ridge High School can relate to.
- You look at the inside cover to see who had that book before you, and you probably know them
- You went to a Drama show for extra credit
- You know what it is like to have school when everyone else has a snow day
- You were scared of Ms. Lynch and Ms. Serghides but now they’re your favorites.
- You have tried to take the elevator without being caught
- You just assume the nurse won't be there at this point
- Finding out that GRHS also stood for Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin blew your mind
- You know that yearbook is forever
- You love AP murals
- You have opted out of PARCC
- You miss spring day
- You have been kicked out of the library for eating
- You know everyone and their siblings
- You remember thinking your peer leader was the coolest person you even met
- You park 100 light years away
- You are used to the daily hikes up the ramp
- You drink bean town coffee even though you hate it
- You secretly love “make it a great day or not, the choice is yours”
- You thought the plastic street art people were real on multiple occasions
- You’re a little bummed that you won’t wear a cap or gown.
- You know you’re going to miss it