As back-to-school season approaches, you may have shopping for a particular college student on your mind. In case you want to get them a parting gift, whether for their freshman or senior year, here are a few ideas every college student would love to receive.
1. Fast food gift cards
Chipotle, Wendy's, you know, the college kid's natural diet.
2. Pens
We always have them, but we're also always losing them.
3. Scratch Off Tickets
I could think of a million cheesy things to add in a post it note with these.
4. Texts
A simple “hope your semester is starting off well" text warms a student's heart.
5. A printer cartridge
Expensive, but a blessing they will appreciate for the whole first half of the semester.
6. Grocery store gift cards
Someone has to buy groceries sometime to feed the whole apartment.
7. Inspiration
A quick text or quote from some college educated successful person would help.
8. Extra cardboard boxes
Even though they just moved home a month ago, somehow all the boxes from that move have disappeared.
9. A clothing store gift card
No guilt buying a new outfit if the only place you can spend the twenty dollars is Forever 21.
10. Duct tape
Anything can be fixed by duct tape.
11. A good old-fashioned card
Getting mail is a whole new level of excitement for college students.
12. Target gift card
Everyone loves Target, right?
13. School bookstore bucks
They can get that super expensive school sweater for half off and it seems reasonable.
14. Regular bookstore gift cards
After dropping 200+ dollars on school books our pockets are feeling turned out for buying the book we really want.
15. Printed photos
Even if it's just one picture from your trip to the fair with them, it'll probably go on the cork board.
16. Pocket money
Just thirty bucks and the stipulation that the money be used for something fun.
17. Sit-down restaurant gift cards
Olive Garden financial aid, here we come.
18. Office supplies of any kind
They're needed and appreciated. Even just a package of sticky notes.
19. Prayers
Even though we love school, we're going to miss our families and we're going to hate our homework.
20. School supplies
That extra spiral notebook you have stuffed in the dusty junk drawer? Rip out the one page you wrote on and it's one less notebook they have to buy.
21. Love and good vibes
Just send it out there, through a text or tweet or Facebook comment or phone call. It's always appreciated.