When you go to college, it is guaranteed you will meet many different kinds of people; IWU is no exception. Although everyone is unique, it is easy to find and recognize “the overachievers” from “nap fanatics” and “the party animals.” Here is a list of some types of people you will meet when you come to Illinois Wesleyan University:
1.The Mom - This person (not necessarily a female) is usually nurturing and will take you under their wing. You will find them giving lots of hugs, forehead kisses, and driving people around.
2.The 180 - Often sheltered overachievers gone bad, these people come to college as a conservative introvert and become an outgoing, liberal party animal. You find them living out their teenage rebellion and letting loose.
3. The Beauty Queen - This person is always put together and there is never a day where they look disheveled or tired. A beauty queen showers daily, doesn’t wear sweats to class, and always styles their hair to perfection.4. The Therapist - They always seem to have their life together and are happy to listen and help you through your weekly crisis. You will find them comforting and advising the people of IWU (usually over a cup of coffee).
5. The Overachievers - Overachievers are their own breed; they are beloved by professors and students alike, they are hyper-involved on campus, and they always appear to have their life together. These people are usually seen doing homework, drinking lots of coffee, and have the motivation of champions (they are all over Wesleyan).
6. The Person Who Peaked In High School - This person continuously lives in the glory of their high school days. You will find them obsessively re-telling stories, talking about old friends, and can easily be spotted wearing their high school letter jackets or honors choir t-shirts.
7. The Gym Rat - Rain or shine this person is always on the move. You will always see this person at the gym, headed to the gym, or on their way back from the gym.
8. The Nap Fanatic - Everyone knows at least one - this person is often hard to get a hold of because they are sleeping. These people are always tired and desperate for both naps and caffeine. Whenever they are not eating, socializing, or studying, they are squeezing in a quick catnap.
9. The Best Platonic Friends - For the 100th time, they are just friends. These people are so deep in the friend-zone that they wouldn't think about each other in any other way. People always ask if they are dating and no matter how many times they say it, no one will never accept that they are just friends.
10. The Party Animal- This person is always finding a reason to party. They know how to have a good time and are often seen encouraging some reckless behavior. Remarkably, at IWU, this person usually still manages to get their work done.
11. The Dorm Ghost- You never see them, but they are often described as someone who “never leaves the room.” If this isn’t you or your roommate, this person is your friend’s roommate and you would never know of them outside of your friend’s complaints.
12. The Inseparable Roommates - These people are the few that managed to find a best friend out of the random roommate selection. These people are usually seen hanging out together 24/7 (literally) and by some miracle, never seem to get sick of one another.
13. The Person That Lives In: CNS, Ames, the Dugout, etc. - This person can always be found in the same spot in the same building every day and you often question whether or not they ever move. (I am totally guilty of this one…)
14. The On Campus Celebrity - This person can’t seem to walk anywhere without someone knowing them. Whenever you are out with this person, people always stop them to say hello and you always question how on earth they know so many people.
15. The Hot Mess - This person always seems to be going through a new crisis every time you see them. You often question why trouble seems to follow them everywhere. This person is always stressed and they are very vocal about their problems, whether you ask or not.
16. The Activist - This person is a super power. These people are impossible to say no to -- they find issues on campus and they solve them with passion, work ethic, and persistence.
17. The Musicians - These people are some of the busiest on campus. They are constantly on the run from rehearsal to rehearsal and usually travel in packs. These people are usually found complaining about music theory, survey, or baroque.
18. The Ageist - This guy, usually an upper-classman, seems opposed to dating people his own age and is always on the lookout for freshman girls. Everyone knows one and everyone knows someone who has either dated or hooked up with one.
19. The Dad - This is the person (not necessarily a male) who you go to whenever you need help fixing something. This person is incredibly caring and is always happy help you out whenever you ask.
20. Fraternity/Sorority Stars - These people are Greek and proud. They are easily spotted traveling in packs and all wearing their greek letters in similar color schemes.
21. The Theatre Nerds - You can often hear them from a mile away, these people are loud and proud. You can find them together on the “theatre couches” in the dugout or running from rehearsal to rehearsal.
IWU is a wonderful school because of the people that make up the community on campus. No matter who you are, you will be able to find a friend in all of these people. An IWU Student is known for being smart, kind, and passionate about their education and IWU students love their school because their campus is filled with a variety of incredible lifelong friends.