Over the past 20 years I have faced challenges, made memories, and learned valuable life lessons. Today, I’m here to share 20 lessons I have learned throughout my lifetime.
1. Love Yourself
Love yourself, respect yourself, and be kind to yourself. Without loving yourself first, it’s almost impossible to find love in anything.
2. Be optimistic
Be open to trying new things, there are so many opportunities in front of you. Going out of your comfort zone can sometimes be a little intimidating but in the end it gives you a little adrenaline rush and might give you a new perspective. Life is boring without change!
3. It's okay to ask for help
Sometimes you need a little guidance, it’s okay to ask for help. Asking for help might be a little intimidating but it’s also a great way to learn new skills and valuable information.
4. The stress isn't worth it
Occasionally you might find yourself in a stressful situation, but nine times out of ten the stress isn’t worth it. There are so many better outcomes or options; it shouldn’t be worth the stress. Especially in small situations.
5. High school are the best four years of your life
Honestly, high school are the last four years of your life without the worry of needing a full time job, finding an internship, or worrying about if you will graduate on time. High school is so structured, whereas college is all on YOU!
6. Love those around you
Your support system is what keeps you going, always love and be kind to those around you. You are LOVED!
7. Explore the world
Travel, travel, travel! I can’t emphasize this enough. Travel while you’re young, it’s when you have the least amount of commitments. Once you have a full time career and are completely independent it’s nearly impossible to take time off to travel.
8. Sometimes it's okay to not have a plan
Things change, sometimes you just have to go in without a plan and go with the flow. It’s alright to not have a plan, take the situation as a learning opportunity.
9. Exercise
Take care of your body! Whether it’s through finding an extracurricular activity or own independent workouts exercising is an essential. Your body will thank you later!
10. Friends come and go
Friends come and go, you’ll have some friendships stick around but you’ll also have some fade away. Don’t stress over it, people change and in the end it’ll only benefit you.
11. Listen to others
Can’t emphasize this point enough. You know those “life lessons” your grandparents always used to lecture you on? LISTEN! No matter what advice you are given; listen to each and every word. These moments will eventually stop and some might be the best advice you’re ever given.
12. Always make time for yourself
“Me” time is an essential. Never overwork yourself, always give yourself a little time of relaxation. It’s a great way to clear your mind and it’s healthy to give yourself a break. Whether it’s ending the day with mediation or taking a nice bath, it’ll certainly relax you and allow you to refuel from exhaustion.
13. Eat healthy
One thing I regret in life is not eating healthy enough. There are so many beneficial factors to living a healthy lifestyle. You will thank yourself in the end. Eat your fruits and veggies!
14. Treat yourself
But…on the other side treat yourself! It’s alight to have that cookie or piece of cake. Sometimes you just have to treat yourself especially after a huge succession. Giving yourself a treat every once in a while will make you have something to look forward to.
15. Stay positive
Life isn’t easy, but you always have to keep positive. Negative emotions will only bring you down, just keep your head up and look for the bright side at the end of the tunnel. If you ever feel too much negativity in your life, talk to someone. Talking to someone can help boost your mood in so many ways and regain your positive attitude.
16. Volunteer
Volunteering may seem to be boring, unpaid work. But it is honestly one of the most eye opening opportunities. Volunteering your time makes a huge impact whether you realize it or not. You will learn some valuable lessons, meet some amazing people, and make a huge impact on the community. I definitely recommend finding mission trips to go on. It’ll open your eyes, hearts, and overall impact your learning experiences.
17. Respect others
Respect others and they’ll respect you, simple as that. No matter who the individual is, it’s important to respect them, their background, and experiences. You never know what they have been through and as long as you feel inviting, you should receive the same respect.
18. Don't rush time
In society, we have this idea where we try and rush time to make things happen sooner. What we don’t realize are the key moments and memories we miss out on. Always pay attention to the details in between waiting moments, you will gather many memories and life lessons.
19. Be involved
One thing I completely regret is the lack of involvement I have been throughout my lifetime. Whether it’s in sports or different organizations, it’s very important to become involved. Involvement impacts social status, knowledge, and gives you a better insight to improve skills. Not only that, but it can also be a fun experience and create an infinite amount of memories.
20. Have fun
Most importantly, have fun with life. You only have one chance at life so you should definitely have as much fun as you can. Make memories, go on adventures, and create stories you can tell for a lifetime.