Growing up can be a scary thing. With each passing year, you take on more and more responsibility. Then, before you know it, you're a real adult out in the real world. I'm not quite there yet, but I have grown up since entering college.
Every day I'm faced with challenges that I could not handle previously. I need to be reminded that I'm doing just fine for my age. And sometimes, making a list helps more than one would think. The most important things I've learned in my 20 years of life are what keeps me, and the average 20-year-old, going.
1. You should shower every day
As unfortunate as it sounds, presentation is everything in the adult world. Looking disheveled, unclean or even smelling a bit can hinder your success. Having your pores clear and your nails clean make any day a good day.
2. Stay hydrated
Water is so important. It can completely change your mood around. Staying hydrated not only makes you feel better but keeps your skin glowing and your hair shiny. Drink water. Often.
You know that saying, "if you don't use it, you'll lose it?" This means your body, too. Keep your heart active. Stimulate your muscles. Sweat. Exercise is a stress-reducer and keeps your body happy and healthy.
4. Cut your hair
This doesn't really mean "cut your hair." That's just what I did. Do something that you're afraid of. You can't live life in fear of judgment, and you could be missing out. Take that leap of faith, you might actually like it.
5. Don't procrastinate
Procrastinating definitely creates more stress than it relieves. You might be having fun watching Netflix the night before an essay is due, but tomorrow you'll be freaking out trying to write it. Plus, during that whole movie you have a nagging sensation that you could be doing something more productive. Write the essay first, Netflix later.
6. Don't stress about things you cannot change
That being said, do not stress over things that are out of your control. You already handed in that paper, or took that exam or had that interview. It's out of your hands now. Don't waste your energy and brain cells on stressing while your professor probably just left a coffee stain on the 10-page research paper you wrote.
7. Not everyone is going to be your friend
It's hard to hear but it's true. Some people have conflicting personalities. Some people have conflicting morals. Some people just don't want to be friends with you if you don't look a certain way. You can't change them no matter how hard you try. Find the good ones and keep them close.
8. Spend time with people who make you happy
There's no point being around people otherwise. Sometimes it is not always in our power who we spend our time with. But in those free moments, do not force yourself to have an empty conversation or sit in silence. Find people who will laugh at your horrible jokes.
9. Take classes you'll enjoy
Taking classes you enjoy will make schoolwork seem like less of a chore. It doesn't really seem like a 10-minute long oral presentation and research paper if it's on Harry Potter, right?
10. It's okay to take mental health days
For those classes you have to take and do not enjoy, it's okay to take a break. If you're feeling particularly down or stressed out, take the day off. Your body and brain will thank you.
11. It's okay to be wrong
Not everyone can be right all the time. And at 20, you're definitely not right all the time. Admit when you're wrong. Apologize to those you hurt. Learn from your mistakes.
12. You're not an expert at anything yet
It's okay to fail. But it's not okay to give up. Keep trying. No one is an expert at anything at 20. Find your calling, and work on it.
13. That includes time management
Do not feel bad about who you spend your time with and where you spend it. Do not take criticism for spending more time with your friends than your family. You're learning. You're going off your mood and what'll make you feel the best. Don't apologize.
14. Your best is all you can give
I was always told, "as long as you tried your best, that's all I can ask for." And that should be all that's expected of you. You cannot perform skills you don't know. There might be someone better than you. As long as you're trying your best, you'll get better and advance.
15. Being successful is being happy
If you love what you're going, then you've already succeeded. Success is not measured by money or friends or how many cars you have in your driveway. Success is being happy with yourself and where you are in life.
16. Laugh as often as possible
Sounds obvious but it's true. Don't intentionally try to be "cool" and "dark." Smile and laugh when you want. Life gets boring trying to maintain a reputation that's not you.
17. Save your money, but spend it on activities
It's important to have a savings account. You'll feel pretty accomplished too. But when you do spend money, go out and spend it with people. See a play, go to a theme park. Just don't buy your third Michael Kors bag. It might feel good then, but you're not going to cherish the memory of buying it 15 years down the road.
18. My mom will always be my best friend
She's watched me grow. She knows everything there is to know about me. She can predict my moods and knows my favorite foods. And she'll never forget my birthday. What else could you need?
19. Everyone loves differently
Just because someone doesn't love the same way you do, doesn't mean they don't love you. Everyone has grown up in different situations and expresses themselves differently. Look for little things that make them smile and you'll find out how they love.
20. Believe you can do it and you will.
Faith in yourself is the strongest faith you can have. Plus, if you don't believe in yourself, who will?