I am turning 20 soon and I couldn't be in a better mood. I don't want to jinx it but I felt like this was something I needed to write about. Like I am oddly and generally happy. I am not saying that I smile and laugh all day. Or that I never disappointed and sad. I am saying, that I honestly have observed changes in myself that I completely happy with as approach the age of 20.
I am more open with others.
I am not afraid to be myself.
I am kinder…. Not that I was mean before.
I am smarter.
I am more willing to be adventurous and to go out of my comfort zone.
I am learning, working hard, and trying to the best me that I can be. And at this age, that is all I ask of myself. But I did not always feel this way and did not realize my own personal growth.
Earlier this year I was not looking forward to turning 20. Anytime someone mentioned that I was going to be 20; I would groan, cringe, or make a face. I didn't think that turning 20 would be a big deal. And maybe I felt a little weird leaving my teenage years behind.
I am basically old enough to do almost anything. I am already old enough to drive. I am already an adult. I can vote. I can get married (not that I want to right now). One of the only things I still can't do because I am not old enough is drink alcohol legally in the United States.
I just didn't think that turning 20 was going to be special. But during this last month, I had a complete change of heart. I am ready to be 20 and enter my second decade of life. I am ready to keep growing, learning, laughing, and seeing where this next adventure takes me.
Twenty whole years in this crazy and messed up world is something to be proud of! And I can't wait to turn 20 and to see what is next for me.
I have learned that birthdays are not something to be afraid of. That I shouldn't fear getting older. Maybe you are not where you thought you would be at your age, but birthdays are the starts of new beginnings and it is your time to do something about it. Life is short and you have to live it to the fullest!
Overall, I hope these good vibes continue and I hope I continue to feel this way as I get older. Anyways cheers to everyone who turned 20 this year and I hope you know that turning 20 is something you should be happy about!