Like most, making a New Year's resolution was a tradition for me. I would always make a resolution that was seemingly impossible for me because I thought that was what I needed to do, but I realized that was not the case.
With past New Years, I would always have some resolution. It would almost always be something like; keeping my room clean or becoming more social. I would make the same resolutions every year, and I would never keep up with them. I would normally disregard my resolutions within the first few days of the new year. I never thought anything about it, so I just continued making my resolutions because I believed that you were supposed to make New Year's resolutions every year, even if you did not stick with them throughout the year. It was pretty much a never-ending cycle of me envisioning myself being a much better person and being devastated that I could not make it happen.
Approaching 2020, I decided not to make any New Year's resolutions. I was tired of always being disappointed in myself, and I decided that I would stop forcing myself to stick to the goals I made. I decided just to live life one step at a time. Instead of making a New Year's resolution, I made the plan to just work on different things about myself throughout the year instead of trying to improve myself because it is a new year. Resolutions can be so stressful, and they honestly take all the fun out of the New Year celebration. Self-improvement is an important thing, but I do not believe that it is healthy only to be focused on it because of the new year. Self-improvement is just something that should continuously be happening regardless of the day, just like how you should celebrate those you love every day and not only on Valentine's Day. If you enjoy making resolutions, so be it. That is your decision, but as for me, I have realized that my life is better without them.