Coming into this year, everyone felt ready - all I heard and saw posts of were how 2020 was going to be our year! Well let us recap what has happened, shall we?
The first month of the new year meant that everyone had high hopes and we were still working towards our New Years resolutions! Everyone had a good feeling about the year - until January 26th, when Kobe and Gianna Bryant passed away after a helicopter crash. Their death shocked the nation; Kobe was one of the most well-known athletes in the world. Kids aspired to be like him and people cheered for him no matter their favorite team, because he was Kobe Bryant and everyone admired him and his work ethic. Gianna Bryant was a 13 year old girl, who was very intelligent and an amazing athlete, just like her father. The death of Kobe and Gianna will never be forgotten; may they rest in peace.
Many people were hoping that February would bring spirits back up, especially with Valentine's Day approaching. This however was not the case - instead, we began to hear all about the novel coronavirus on the news, and how it was affecting countries throughout Europe and Asia. Thinking it would not come to the U.S. or affect us, the citizens continued on with life. Eventually, COVID-19 did come to the US and at the end of February, the first American died from this horrendous disease. In this moment, America knew that we were about to get hit with this deadly pandemic.
March & April
Quarantine time!! Universities and workplaces shut down and went all online. College students came home for their spring break and did not know that they would not be able to go back to their University for the rest of the semester. People across the U.S. realize the importance of our health workers and make sure to give them extra love while they continue to save lives. Now, leaving your house for any reason is unusual, but if you chose to, you need to have a mask on and hand sanitizer waiting for you in your car. Stay at home orders were going on all throughout these months, with limited states reopening things, but never like before (50% occupancy, everyone needs to stand or sit 6 feet apart, etc).
During May, most areas are beginning to reopen businesses and stay-at-home orders are lifted. Life seems to be going back to normal and more people are able to at least leave their homes. Everything seems to be moving in the right direction, until May 25th. On May 25th, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, George Floyd was killed by a police officer. His death brought attention to police brutality and many people realized how wrong this was. The Black Lives Matter movement became a topic of conversation in every home. Protests started to form in large cities so the citizens could stand up for what they believe in, and not back down in the fight against inequality.
We are only 3 days into June, so not too much has happened. There are still protests occurring in order to get justice for George Floyd, and any other victim of police brutality. Honestly, I feel hopeful for the month of June that people will continue to speak out against racism and hopefully find justice for anyone who had a wrongful death. Along with this, more states continue to re-open as the month progresses.
The 6 months that I have talked about were not exactly what was planned for the beginning of 2020, but there is good and bad within the months. Having to be stuck at home for months is not exactly ideal, however with the more recent months we find people being vocal about racism and wanting an end. I am very curious to see how the rest of the year will go, and hope that everyone's year is the best that they can make out of it!