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Everything You Need To Know About The 2020 Presidential Candidates

Take a look at the eight frontrunners in the upcoming Presidential Election

Everything You Need To Know About The 2020 Presidential Candidates

With the 2020 election coming up, the field of Democratic candidates challenging President Trump continues to expand. While there are a number of potential candidates who have yet to announce (Joe Biden and Beto O'Rourke, I'm looking at you), here's a breakdown of the frontrunners so far:

Bernie Sanders

Hometown: Brooklyn, New York

What he's been up to: Sanders is a Senator from Vermont and ran for President in 2016, he broke the one-day fundraising record by collecting $5.9 million in campaign donations in the 24 hours after his announcement

What he's running on: Medicare for All, raising the minimum wage, and tuition-free college

Education: University of Chicago (BA)

How he'd make history: If elected, Sanders would be the first Jewish President

Fun fact: Sanders is the longest-serving Independent in the history of the Senate

Watch his announcement video here

Kamala Harris

Hometown: Oakland, California

What she's been up to: Harris is a first-term Senator from California and has made quite an impression in committee hearings, prompting Republicans to try to silence her

What she's running on: Medicare for all and criminal justice reform

Education: Howard University (BA), University of California, Hastings (JD)

How she'd make history: If elected, Harris would be both the first Asian-American and African-American woman to be President

Fun fact: Harris attended high school in Canada

Watch her announcement video here

Elizabeth Warren

Hometown: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

What she's been up to: Warren is a Senator from Massachusetts and the Vice Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus, she is known to be especially tough on big banks

What she's running on: Economic reform, consumer protection, and universal health care

Education: University of Houston (BS), Rutgers (JD)

How she'd make history: If elected, Warren would be the first President born in Oklahoma and the first female President

Fun fact: Warren graduated from high school when she was 16 years old

Watch her announcement video here

​Pete Buttigieg

Hometown: South Bend, Indiana

What he's been up to: Buttigieg is the mayor of South Bend, Indiana and ran for Chair of the Democratic National Committee in 2017, he has been making the rounds on late-night shows to increase his name recognition

What he's running on: Climate change and economic reform

Education: Harvard University (BA), Pembroke College, Oxford (MA)

How he'd make history: If elected, Buttigieg would be the first openly gay President and the youngest to ever serve in the position

Fun Fact: "Mayor Pete" took a leave of absence from his mayoral duties when he was deployed to Afghanistan for seven months with the Naval Reserve

Watch his announcement video here

​Amy Klobuchar

Hometown: Plymouth, Minnesota

What she's been up to:: Klobuchar is a Senator from Minnesota whose questioning of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh drew lots of attention

What she's running on: Healthcare reform, climate change, and cybersecurity

Education: Yale University (BA), University of Chicago (JD)

How she'd make history: If elected, Klobuchar would be the first female President

Fun fact: Justin Bieber once called for Klobuchar to be "locked up"

Watch her announcement video here

​Cory Booker

Hometown: Harrington Park, New Jersey

What he's been up to: Booker is a Senator from New Jersey and previously served as the mayor of Newark, New Jersey, Booker is known for his passionate speaking style

What he's running on: Criminal justice reform, Medicare for all, and climate change

Education: Stanford University (BA), Queen's College, Oxford (MA), Yale University (JD)

How he'd make history: If elected, Booker would be the first vegan President

Fun fact: Booker would be the first single President since Grover Cleveland

Watch his announcement video here

​Kirsten Gillibrand

Hometown: Albany, New York

What she's been up to: Gillibrand is a Senator from New York who has made a name for herself as a champion of women's rights

What she's running on: Raising the minimum wage, paid family leave, and climate change

Education: Dartmouth College (BA), University of California, Los Angeles (JD)

How she'd make history: If elected, Gillibrand would be the first President to graduate from Dartmouth College and the first female President

Fun fact: While studying abroad in Beijing, Gillibrand roomed with future Friday Night Lights star Connie Britton

Watch her announcement video here

Jay Inslee

Hometown: Seattle, Washington

What he's been up to: Inslee is the Governor of Washington and has drawn praise for his progressive policies to combat climate change

What he's running on: Climate change, criminal justice reform, and education reform

Education: University of Washington (BA), Willamette University (JD)

How he'd make history: If elected, Inslee would be the first President who was born in Washington.

Fun fact: Inslee is a fifth-generation Washingtonian

Watch his announcement video here

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