With the Lunar New Year passing and the overwhelming feeling of good luck and fortune, it has me thinking about what has happened so far this year and frankly, I'm disappointed.
As with every year, I thought 2019 was going to be incredible. I was going to scratch of so many things off of my bucket list and I was going to finally get my mental and physical health in check. Life was going to stop being a chore and I was going to start living. And what has happened? Nothing. Nothing has changed and with the way, I'm going, nothing will.
Does this sound familiar? It just might.
New year's resolutions get every so pumped up and ready for a new start, but how many of us actually stick to these goals? How many of us quit one month in and just say I like my bad habits and I can try again next year. We all say this, and it needs to stop!
I may not necessarily celebrate Lunar New Year, but I am taking this opportunity to start over and finally stop living for me. I won't be living my life and changing who I am to just check some boxes. I want to do these things because they are important to me and they make me feel like I am getting the most out of this life. If checking those boxes and straining to get through the day isn't helping me achieve that goal, then screw it.
2019 will be the year of me and it will be the year of you. Stop saying next year, next week, tomorrow. Say today and make this life something to be remembered and cherished. Forget anything that won't improve the quality of your life and stop giving in to the self-doubt and the laziness that puts us back at the starting line every year.
You've got this and honey, I can't wait to celebrate with you at the end of the year when you've had the best year of your life.