Dear Friends,
How is everyone doing today? It's finally December which means so many different things: gifts, food, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, vacation, movies, snow, and so much more. Some people may enjoy this time of year and others probably want it over with as soon as possible. For me, I love this time of year. It's a great time to let loose and just be happy. Sure it can be stressful, but I am here to help you out with that. Here are 25 fun things you can do to have fun during this time of year!
1. Make Christmas cookies and decorate them with family.
2. Go iceskating!
3. Go sledding with your friends.
4. Have a snowball fight in your neighborhood.
5. Have a Christmas movie marathon with that special someone.
6. Decorate around the house to be festive!
7. Go shopping for presents (for others but also for you if you wish).
8. Check Freeform's 25 Days of Christmas.
9. Sleep in on your days off!Â
10. Participate in a Secret Santa gift exchange.
11. Drive around aimlessly looking for houses with awesome light decorations.
12. Have a PJ day and snuggle up next to a fire.
13. Spend time with your family because family is important.
14. Go sit on Santa's lap at the mall (unless you're an adult, which you most likely are if you are reading this).
15. Make hot chocolate with marshmallows.
16. Build a gingerbread house
17. Eat the gingerbread house (see #16)
18. Go to the movies because there's always good movies during the holidays.
19. Kiss somebody under the mistletoe.
20. Do some knitting because that's relaxing???
21. Get Disney plus and watch some classic Disney movies.
22. Visit the Santa Tracker website and play some games on there!
23. Go Christmas caroling with your friends!
24. Play some old board games with the fam next to a fire.
25. Just enjoy yourself and have a wonderful holiday season.