As the new year begins, everyone is in resolution mode. There are lots of changes that people want to make in their life and that they want to start implementing in 2019. A fresh year means a clean slate and a new start, with a chance to do go about the new year differently than the last.
Here is a list of ideas if you need some inspiration for a resolution this year.
1. Write in a journal
2. Say yes more often to new things
3. Invest more time into your work
4. Try a new food once a month
5. Interact with different circles of people
6. Join more clubs
7. Invest some time in a hobby
8. Explore new types of music
9. Learn how to do something new
10. Spend less time on your phone
11. Travel more than you did last year
12. Read more books
13. Meditate
14. Take an hour out of each week for self care
15. Eat healthy
16. Workout more