"Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission" | The Odyssey Online
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The Top 5 Games I'm Excited For In 2019

My hype for these games cannot be contained.

The Top 5 Games I'm Excited For In 2019

Looking ahead at the lineup of games to release in 2019, gamers have something to look forward to in all genres. With gaming conferences such as E3 still to come, that list can only keep on growing. I've limited that list down to five games which I am extremely hyped for, and I need them to come out right now.

"Borderlands 3" (I'M SUPER HYPED!!!)

AMD Gaming / Twitter

Literally, all the games on the list don't even come close to this legend right here. I love the Borderlands franchise as a whole and enjoy not only the story but the whole loot and gritty aspect of the game. The characters are awesome, and it's an amazing game to play with your friends. I can't tell you how excited I am just through text. This game is not only my childhood, but it's close to my number one favorite game of all time.

"Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission"

Nintendo / YouTube

"Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission" has a unique take on the Dragon Ball universe. Instead of an action-packed button mashing fighting game, you use cards to attack your opponents. The game has been released in Japan for a while now, but soon it will make its English debut. I'm all for collecting my favorite DBZ characters, so needless to say I'm more hyped than when Goku thought he killed Frieza on Namek. Only true fans understand.

"Mortal Kombat 11"

Mortal Kombat 11 / Twitter

I have always been a big fan of the Mortal Kombat franchise. With the gruesome fatalities and the blood and the gore, what's not to love about it? Usually, when something is new, that means improvements, graphical upgrades, and more and more unique satisfying ways to dismember your opponents. Trust me, this game isn't for your mother. Unless she's like mine and loves fighting games. If that's your mom, then she'll enjoy this one.

"Persona 5" (Nintendo Switch)

BagoGames / Flickr

To be honest, the only reason that I am excited for the "Persona 5" Nintendo Switch release is because of the main character, Joker, being in "Smash Bros. Ultimate." It's been on the PS4, but it was just recently leaked that it would be coming to the Nintendo Switch. Since then I have been watching tons of gameplay videos on it, and I gotta say, I'm hooked now.


Hytale / YouTube

When looking at "Hytale," the first thing that comes to my mind is a buffed out, upgraded version of "Minecraft." You can do everything that you do in "Minecraft" and then some. The game is a sandbox game that can either be played with friends or solo. There are tons of things that you can do ranging from dungeons, fighting monsters, farming, and building. There's also a social hub where you can meet and interact with new people, so that's also a plus. Having a social life is always fun.

What games are you looking forward to?

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