2019? Don't know her. | The Odyssey Online
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2019? Don't know her.

the best is yet to come

2019? Don't know her.

As we all know, in two months 2019 will be over. Remember when everyone thought the world would end in 2012? Seven years later and we are about to be in a new decade. It is crazy to think of how far we have come, and all the trends we have been through. Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we? Please tell me that you remember "Good Luck Charlie", if so the first episode aired in 2010. That is crazy to me, because it feels like just yesterday I was sitting in my bed with a bowl of cereal watching it. Two other Disney shows first aired in 2010 as well, "Fish Hooks" and "Shake it Up"; they must hold some memory in your brain. Another trend you may remember is "Silly Bandz". Although, "Silly Bandz" came out in 2008, they didn't catch a lot of attention until late 2009. I know you must've had every color, animal and shape; or did you prefer the classics? For me, I was very into "Silly Bandz", I even made a point to collect as many as possible. I had the accessories, but now I needed an outfit. I hope you know what's coming next. Of course I can only be talking about Justice! My mom is a witness, Justice was my store. I always got so excited when she said we were going shopping, because I knew what that meant, Justice for me and lots of peace sign attire to be added to my closet. The 2010's also had "Nintendo DSi", "Angry Birds", and so much more.

These trends really make me remember my childhood and remind me that I have grown up. Yes, I am still a teenager but on my way to being an adult. With that comes responsibility, but that doesn't change the fact that these trends will always remain in my heart. They were my childhood and contributed to my growing up a good bit. Now that we are in 2019 and a new set of trends are waiting to kick off the decade, let us remember the fun we had. Let us also remember who we were, and what we wanted to do when we grew up. Kids are innocent and hopeful, I know when I was younger I always had high hopes for myself. When time passes people can have a change of heart, and sometimes their dreams may change too. That doesn't mean they should lower their standards or give up. Alter your life and make it fit who you are and who you want to be. Never take a step back, because you are scared or have doubts. If your younger self saw you, would he/she ask "why did you stop?" or would they say "you did it". I'd like to think my younger self could see that my dreams haven't changed and I will keep striving for them, day after day. Kids believe in the best possible versions of life. They don't see the corruption that we may see today. Life is short and ever changing. With new decades, comes new trends and new generations of young hopeful kids. I hope to be an example to that generation. If 10 year old you could be happy with who are today, then you should be too! If not, then don't waste any more time; get up and go. Wherever your heart desires is where you should go. Do it for yourself, no matter what others think.

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