Hello Liberals, let me start of by saying Happy New Year. So all of 2017 I heard you say that Trump is not your president, But here’s the thing, he was your president in 2017 and now it’s 2018 and he’s still your president. I know how upset that must make you but it’s the truth. I’m not here to taunt you about him being your president, but I’m here to tell you that you all need to accept this truth already and stop acting like toddlers when you hear the truth. I used to think it was funny, and I still kind of do, but for the most part, it’s just sad. Seriously, don’t any of you have jobs? I really don’t know where you get all of this time to protest.
Like Trump or not, he has done some awesome things for this country, like the tax cuts. The tax cut is great for everyone, not just the rich, but yet we have some of you freaking out because you get to keep more of your money. I don’t understand it because I, for one, am glad that I get to keep more of my money that I earn- and by the way, you should probably know that I’m not rich.
Anyway, I can probably guess how triggered you are by now if you’re still reading this, but it’s not like you have anything better to do other than maybe go protest or scream at the sky. I just wanted to remind all of you that Trump is still your president whether you like it or not. #MAGA