The Winners And Losers Of The 6 Closest Senate Races Of 2018 | The Odyssey Online
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The Winners And Losers Of The 6 Closest Senate Races Of 2018

The winners and losers from the six closest Senate elections.

The Winners And Losers Of The 6 Closest Senate Races Of 2018

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This is an updated version of the "6 Closest Senate Races To Watch On Election Night" article. Here are the winners and losers:

1. Arizona: Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema are neck and neck

Rep. Martha McSally and Rep. Kyrsten Sinema


As many expected, this Senate seat is still too close to call. McSally is leading Sinema right now by less than 1 percentage point. This seat was considered a toss-up and it is holding true to that name. With 99% of precincts reporting, we still do not have a clear winner in this race.

2. Nevada: Jacky Rosen squeaks it out over Dean Heller

Reo. Jacky Rosen


Rep. Jacky Rosen beat Dean Heller by about 23,000 votes. Heller was considered the most vulnerable Republican running for re-election. He won his seat back in 2012 by just over 10K votes, now he is on the other side of that. Nevada now has two Democratic women representing them in the U.S. Senate.

3. Missouri: Josh Hawley comes out on top over Claire McCaskill

Attn. Gen. Josh Hawley


Claire McCaskill was probably the most vulnerable Democratic Senator run-in in 2018. Josh Hawley came from a governor's administration that was plagued by scandal. McCaskill had won big in 2012, but Hawley swung it back in the Republicans favor. He beat McCaskill by over 200K votes, a big win for the GOP.

4. Tennessee: Marsha Blackburn wins handedly over Phil Bredesen

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R)


In what once was considered a toss-up, Republican Marsha Blackburn beat Democrat Phil Bredesen by 12 points. Blackburn is an ardent supporter of the President, and it most likely to vote in line with him on most issues. Blackburn won every single county in Tennessee except for three. Blackburn's win proved critical to the Republicans' control of the Senate.

5. North Dakota: Heidi Heitkamp's luck runs out against Kevin Cramer

Rep. Kevin Cramer


Democrat Heidi Heitkamp was one of the most vulnerable Democrats in a state won by Trump in 2016. Kevin Cramer saw this opportunity and took it. Heitkamp's vote on Kavanaugh among other things, left a bad state in North Dakota voters' mouths. Cramer won by almost 13 points. A huge win for Republicans, that helped them retain control of the United States Senate.

6. Indiana: Mike Braun pulls it out over Joe Donnelly 

State Rep. Mike Braun


After Mike Braun beat two members of congress in his primary, this race was sure to be close. Joe Donnelly campaigned as someone who would break with his party if he needed to. This strategy did not fool Indiana voters. Republican Mike Braun won by just over 10 percentage points. In what was considered a close race, Braun's win shows that the Senate was moving in favor of the Republican on election night.

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