2018 Contract for Self Care | The Odyssey Online
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2018 Contract for Self Care

A promise to take care of myself.

2018 Contract for Self Care
NordWood Themes

As we approach the end of 2017 we are eagerly pondering our 2018 New Year's Resolutions. Some of us will say we're going to the gym more often. Some will promise to travel more. Some won't even bother making resolutions because...well...we're not going to follow them anyway. But let's think about 2017 as a whole. What is one big issue we all need to focus on more? Self-care. So here's a resolution to being kind to our bodies and our minds.

***Instead of merely choosing New Year's Resolutions on a mental list, this year I created a written binding contract with myself to ensure I have a happy and healthy 2018. This is not a bucket list that will get pushed off for some other day. This is a promise to myself to be kind. I hope this contract inspires my readers to make promises to themselves to be respectful and happy with themselves.

I, Kelly Siedhof, hereby agree to treat myself with care and respect beginning January 1, 2018 and continuing uninterrupted until December 31, 2018. Upon the end of this contract, it may be renewed for the following year.

The conditions of self-care being as follows:

1. Eat portioned healthy food while avoiding unhealthy, processed junk food. Overeating and/or junk food will only make you feel disgusting and useless.

A. Foods of choice shall be as follows:

i. Vegetables, fruit, lean meat, and grains

B. Drinks of choice shall be as follows:

i. Water, milk, fruit juice, tea, and coffee

C. A small dinner plate will suffice for meals

D. Foods which are to be prohibited are as follows:

i. Soda

ii. Chips, crackers, pretzels

iii. Candy

iv. Baked goods

v. Fast food

E. Food will not be consumed between meals. Tea, water, or juice is acceptable between meals.

2. Engage in some form of exercise daily. Releasing those endorphins will make you happy!

A. At least 15 minutes of walking.

B. Meditating before sleep will suffice if busy schedules reduce exercise time.

3. Keep oneself well groomed for the purpose of feeling presentable to society. Nice jeans, a cute top, and a little jewelry go a long way for feeling good.

A. Comfortable leggings and sweatshirts are deemed acceptable under the condition the outfit is clean, not wrinkled, and smelling fresh.

B. Full-blown makeup and hairstyle is not mandated but is encouraged.

4. One must not point out every "flaw" about oneself seeing as such an action is disrespectful. You are you and you do not need to look like everyone else. Be comfortable in your own skin.

5. Drink large amounts of water daily for the purpose of avoiding bloating and being uncomfortable. Your body is 70% water. Keep that percentage.

A. 128 oz. required daily.

B. Record amounts in a journal or FitBit app.

6. Keep a journal with thoughts of issues and happenings of life. We are all writers in this community and we all know writing releases the troubles of life.

A. Do not let stress drain the mind. Write them down to ease stress.

B. Keep accurate lists fo things needing to be done so as not to forget anything.

C. Be sure to record positive points in life.

D. Write every other day, if not more often.

7. Read books often. Stray from watching TV. Books are more fulfilling. Books bring other worlds into your hands!

A. Take notes in books for retention.

B. Gain article ideas from books.

8. Communication shall be increased, focused, thought-out, honest, and concise. Too many of life's issues are caused by lack of communication. Talk to people!

A. Communications shall be optimized between myself and the following persons:

i. Co-workers and supervisors

ii. Significant other

iii. Realtor and loan officer

iv. Parents

v. Friends

9. Travel - locally - more often. Visit new places around the home.

A. Local history is often overlooked, but that is where some of the best stories are hiding.

B. Write about these stories. Share the tales of the town with curious readers.

If the conditions of this contract should be broken, one will receive one day (24 hours) to refocus and return to the guidelines outlined above. Mistakes can be recorded and discussed in said journal. A plan for recovery shall be written out.

As per these conditions, I, Kelly Siedhof, will engage in self-care for the duration of the year 2018.

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