AMAs 2018 Nominees And Predictions | The Odyssey Online
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5 American Music Award 2018 Predictions That Are More Obvious Than You Think

You heard that saying "They already know who's gonna win. Well, they kinda do.

Photo by: Donq

The 2018 American Music Awards is due to air on October 9th this year. And just like every music award show, they pretend like the winners are a huge surprise. For some, it may be. But, for those who know better, we understand the great deal of politics tossed into these award shows. Below, I'm gonna go through a few categories and tell you who will win and who should win.

1. New artist of the year. 

Cardi B. in "Finesse"


This category actually has some really good nominees. Camila Cabello, Cardi B, Khalid, Dua Lipa, and Xxxtentcion.

Honestly, I think the award should go to Camila Cabello. "Havana" and her album "Camila" both peaked at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and 200. She also toured with Taylor Swift. 2018 was a good year for her.

The award is going to go to Cardi B. Cardi has scored two No. 1 hits on the Hot 100 "Bodak Yellow" and "I Like It." She's been all over the place. On tons of features, commercials, you name it! Her album was also a huge success. If we're looking at mainstream popularity, 2018 is Cardi's year. We love her and we love her music.

Khalid and Dua Lipa will both fall through the cracks because although they've dropped great music, it's not enough to make waves. They're completely overshadowed by Camila and Cardi. XXX might be given the award due to his death but I doubt it because that'll look too corny. It'd just be a pity award.

2. Collaboration of the year. 

Maren Morris in "The Middle"


Again: pretty tight nominations: Camila Cabello ft. Young Thug "Havana," Post Malone ft. 21 Savage "Rockstar," Bruno Mars & Cardi B "Finesse," Bebe Rexha & Florida Georgia Line "Meant To Be," Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey "The Middle."

The award should go to Post Malone and 21 Savage. "Rockstar" was No. 1 on Billboard for a long time! And the only other chart-topping song nominated is "Havana."

What's weird is that I have a feeling the award will go to "The Middle." Despite the song only peaking at No. 5, the song has gotten so much radio play. Not to mention, it's a trans-genre collab. Zedd, EDM master, and Maren Morris, Country sweetheart, join forces for an unexpectedly perfect Pop song. It shows how diverse music and artists can be.

3. Favorite male artist- pop/rock.

Ed Sheeran in "Shape of You"


This category is bogus because none of the nominees match the description. Drake is considered in some way a "rapper. Post Malone is a type "rapper". Ed Sheeran is the closest artist to Pop/Rock on the list. I mean, where is Shawn Mendes? Or Harry Styles?

They're going to give it to Ed Sheeran to make up for the fact that he's snubbed other categories. He could easily win Favorite Music Video for "Shape of You" but wasn't nominated. He could have win Best Collaboration for "Perfect" with Beyoncé, but wasn't nominated. He also could win Artist of the Year, but has to compete with Drake and Taylor. It's really sad because Ed is one of the best artists out today and he's still confined to niche/genre specific awards like this.

4. Favorite female artist: pop/rock

Taylor Swift in "Ready For It"


It's between Camila Cabello, Cardi B, and Taylor Swift. Rule Cardi out now, she's not a Pop artist. But they sorta left out Selena Gomez, and Demi Lovato, and Alessia Cara and Ariana Grande!

Everyone knows Taylor is going to take this award. For the simple fact of seniority. Camila released an incredible album and has had an incredible year. However, Taylor Swift is Taylor Swift. She's got like ten years of bias on Camila. Not to mention, Camila was an opener for Taylor's tour! Where Camila has scored one Billboard No. 1 hit with "Havana", her album spawned one other top 10 hit so far, "Never Be The Same." Taylor's "Reputation" has given us 9 charting songs, 5 of which reached the top 20 on Billboard Hot 100.

5. Artist of the year. 

Drake in "God's Plan


This year's nominees are: Drake, Imagine Dragons, Ed Sheeran, Post Malone, and Taylor Swift. Tell you right now, the only artists who stand a chance of winning are Drake and Taylor Swift. Drake has had three Hot 100 No. 1s this year. His album was also a colossal success. Taylor Swift's stadium tour has been at the forefront of all live shows this year. What's ridiculous is that Cardi B. should be on the list but isn't. And although Ed and Post Malone have had plenty of great radio hits, "Perfect" and "Rockstar" hitting No. 1, Drake and Taylor just outshine them. Imagine Dragons is just here for diversity. The group is good but they're not going to win an all-encompassing category award.

Drake is going to take the award. His chart and album success coupled with his mainstream popularity is going to lock him in. If they give it to Taylor, it'll be because Drake is technically still a "rapper" and award shows have bias against Hip-Hop.

The AMAs are set to air next Tuesday. I don't know what annoys me more: who's nominated or who isn't nominated! These are just my guesses based on what I've seen this year and the patterns of many award shows. We'll see if I'm right soon!

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