Every year, you hear about people making New Year's Resolutions and vowing to stick to them. Three months later, when you check back in, they've either completely forgotten about them or consciously given up. Here are a few resolutions you can actually stick to this year. They're little ideas, but they make a huge difference, and making small, reasonable changes every year is more doable than making one big unrealistic promise to yourself.
1. Limit your red meat consumption
Last year, I made a change on January 1st to swear off red meat for good. I have my long list of reasons why I did this — and this was incredibly easy for me because it came from within — but I won't bore you with my facts list. What I will say is that in one big nutshell, red meat isn't the best for you. While you don't have to swear off of it like I did, you can limit your consumption. This is an easy, reasonable resolution that your body will thank you for in the long run. And, the next time you do eat a juicy steak, you'll appreciate it that much more. (P.S. go ahead and Google red meat nitrates)
2. Commit to drinking more water
Rather than making the promise to hit the gym every day and get a slammin' bikini body by June, make another small change and start drinking more water. We can all use more agua, and just by doing this, you'll be able to see the benefits it has on your body without setting yourself up for unrealistic expectations. (Like getting a rock hard six-pack in three months.)
3. Get in touch with an old friend
Seriously, there's nothing better than reconnecting. I recently did this with some girls I lost touch with, and even though we only met up for lunch, it was really nice to reminisce on old times.
4. Start using positive words to describe yourself
Buying a good book at Barnes & Noble that helps you recognize your negative thinking and teaches you how to consciously change it around is never a waste. I did this last month, and it has improved my life significantly.
5. The $5 savings jar
Here's another one that I've been doing myself for a few months and swear by. The goal is to keep every $5 bill that comes into your hands and stick it in a savings jar. This is a super helpful savings plan, because one $5 bill isn't causing you any mega dents in your bank account. However, when you save for just a short period of time, it really starts to add up! I was able to save a few hundred dollars in just one month of commitment to this.