I, for one, am so tired of all the negativity in the world. 2016 was bad, I'm not going to lie and say it wasn't, because it really was terrible. But instead of sitting around judging one another, hating on each others' lives and goals, and just being miserable, why don't we all take the chance to make this new year the best.
I'm a very positive person, for the most part. It takes a lot for me to not like someone or to comment on what they are doing with their life. This year I plan to work on my patience with others and also plan on bettering myself (whatever that means). I am an avid social media lover, however I've found recently that most social media platforms can be super negative. I've noticed as I scroll through my newsfeed of Twitter, Instagram, or even Facebook, I see people bashing one another for the stupidest things. I recently saw that someone was bashing people for attending college and saying that they were stupid for thinking that was going to get them anywhere in life. Newsflash, just because you don't think college is meant for you does not mean it won't benefit others. And this doesn't give people in college the right to bash others that aren't in college but are working their asses off doing a job they enjoy. Let's stop attacking people for how they do their makeup, not everyone wants to do a sharp wing with a defined brow, but for those who do, let's compliment them on their skills. Let's stop bashing one religion over another because of the current events in the world. All religions are beautiful in their own way and we should take the time to appreciate and learn about them.
Moral of the story is that we should all realize that there is no textbook definition of success, as it is defined by the person striving to achieve it. This year we should start to encourage our friends' goals. Stop putting one another down and start listening to their ideas and opinions on the world. Try to be less judgmental, and more appreciative of others that are a tad different than you. Don't be afraid to announce your happiness either. I've seen so many people bashed for "bragging" about their successes or achievements, and that is sickening. Let's all try to be happy for one another and if you ever feel jealous of another person, instead of bashing them, ask them what they did to achieve their goal. This year should be a great year for all of us.
This isn't me telling you how to live your life, because some days I don't even know how to live my own. This is me suggesting that we start acting more humane to one another and start accepting the differences in people. No two people are the exact same and that is such a blessing in this world. We can learn so much from others who have different opinions, views, cultures, religions, etc. Let's take time this year to learn something new about the human race. 2017 is the year of positivity and self-growth.