The best part about the new year is the opportunity to reflect back on all we've accomplished leading up to this moment. A new year brings new opportunities to us and it is up to you to decide which ones you will allow to influence your life.
This year, let's focus on our health and happiness as a society.
It's time to stop caring so much about appearance.
Of course, our appearance is a large part of our confidence and the way we influence others. A polished appearance is required in most work places and is expected of most people in their every day life. But it isn't the end of the world. Your outfit doesn't have to be cute everyday. Your hair doesn't have to be perfect each time you step out of the door. It is time to stop judging others based off of their appearance and turn our attention to their character. Your appearance should not be your sole identity and 2017 is the perfect time to begin placing more emphasis on the character of ourselves and others. A pretty face doesn't mean nearly as much as a genuine heart.
Let's focus more on our bodies
Let's face it, we could all be a little nicer to our bodies. It's time to start giving ourselves the sleep, nutrition, exercise, and relaxation we never seem to be able to make the time for. Eating healthier, drinking water instead of soda, going on 15 minute walks or runs or simply going to bed at a decent time can impact your life in ways you never imagined. 2017 is the year to regain our energy and motivation for life and find our best selves by practicing habits that promote our health and well being.
Strengthen our relationships
It's easy to get caught up in your busy schedule and forget to take the time to catch up with loved ones. But let's not do that this year. Instead, let's opt for stronger relationships with family, friends, significant others and those who bring genuine happiness to our lives. Even if it's once a week, taking the time to keep your relationships strong can have a major influence on the support and positivity you feel in your life. Strong relationships are scientifically proven to make people happier, healthier, and more positive about life.
Find what makes you happy
Take up a new hobby. Find a new job if the one you have isn't making you happy. Travel. Make plans and follow through. The hardest part is making the decision to bring change to your life. It's scary and risky, but it's where the best opportunities are found. Don't miss out on all of the amazing changes 2017 has to offer to you and your life. Make this year your happiest and most memorable yet.