2016, soon we will be saying goodbye
You have been full of a lot twists and turns
People killing their own
Race against race
The ones we once looked up to are the ones bringing us down
Labels are defining people not people defining people
People every day rather leave their bodies here
To where their souls can rest
Everyday a mother, a father, a sister or a brother
Has to bury their loved one
Another victim in the place we should be calling our home
The people up there,
The ones who fought so hard for change are now shaking their heads
Weeping of what happen to the world they fought so hard for
Now we take a step backward instead of forward
A lot of heartbreak and tears
Saying goodbye to some we love
Saying hello to new faces and leaders
This year we had faced one of the biggest battles ever
And it was with one another
Facing the truth that our differences do play apart in our world
Some for the positive, some for the negative
We may feel like going into 2017
Is like a battlefield and we are already waving the white flag in defeat
Who says it is over just because of 2016 had a couple of bumps in the road?
Why are we so sad and so defeated?
2016 wasn’t all bad there was some good in it
And now going into 2017
We need to look for the bright side
If we look for the negative that’s all that is going to happen
I still believe in us
I hope now I know 2017 will be a great year
Because if we can go through all that was thrown at us in 2016
And we are still breathing, we are still alive, we have survived
Then we can get though anything that 2017 will throw at us
No one ever said living in this world was going to be a piece of cake
That everything is going to go your way and going to be perfect
Life has no set plan or path
Things do happen some by surprised
Some for the good and some for the bad
All you can really do is wipe your tears and stand back up again
That’s what we have to do for 2017
Wipe our tears, get back up and face the New Year with a smile
The world I will admit looks a bit bleak
But I believe in this word called hope
Hope is getting up even when everything is down
Hope is rising above tragedy, tears, and heartbreak
Hope is seeing that there will be better times to come
It’s what helps you have faith in the world and the people who live in it
It reminds you that the world isn't just full of hate, prejudice, racism, violence, murder, killing, bullying, judging, and darkness
That there is light, that there are good people out here that love will always win, that kindness still exists
And that this is not the end but more of the beginning
I am an optimist
I believe in hope that we will find our way
I believe that when you hit rock bottom the only place to go is up
That 2017 will be our shining year
It will be the year of hope
That the world will get better with hope by our sides
We can overcome anything