I am the queen of the “New Years Resolution.” Every single year, without a doubt, I make a list of the things that I want to do to “better myself” for the oncoming year. Whether it’s exercising more, eating out less, spending less money, or saving more money- I’ve pretty much had any good resolution on a list at some point. But 2017’s list is looking much different than any list before it.
To put it lightly, 2016 sucked. It wasn’t all bad, don’t get me wrong, but the obstacles I faced this year were incomparable to any year before it. I managed to check off “survive” on my resolution’s list but I’ve also got about a thousand things I wish I had accomplished that I didn’t. So I’m taking a new approach. This year, my list says “Be Kind to Yourself.” It’s cheesy- I get that. But it’s also a resolution that I think everyone could you use a little more of. It’s a promise to stop belittling my outer-appearance when I see a bad photo of myself. It’s determination to feel better physically and emotionally and to do whatever it takes to reach that point. It’s a promise to stop pursuing people, things, and ideas that are unkind to my well-being. It’s a declaration of fulfilling myself in love, health, career, and spirit. This is the year of being better to myself and I think it might be my best resolution yet.