2016 is coming to a close, and a new year is approaching. Champagne, celebrations, parties and changes are now right in front of us. What are you going to change about yourself in the new year? Who are you going to be in 2017? What is going to be your New Years Resolution?
I usually don't make New Years Resolutions because I know I can't follow through with them. I know I just won't follow through, no matter how much I want to, because I don't like feeling as if I'm telling myself that I've been doing it all wrong before.
I think New Years Resolutions should not be to lose weight, to get a better job, to find that special someone, or anything that indicates you need fixing. You are awesome the way you are.
Sure, you'd fit into your favorite dress a little better if you lost a few pounds, and yeah, maybe you'd be happier at a different job, and you'd probably feel a lot better about yourself if a cute guy or girl said "I love you" but that's not what this new year is about.
This new year is about being a better you - not trying to fill a void that you think you need to have filled with clothes, jobs, or a boyfriend.
A new year means new chances to be generous, gracious, kind, helping, loving. Not a chance for something to happen that you think will finally make you happy. Your happiness will come with your kindness to others.
2017 is going to be better than just material possessions or boosting your self-esteem. 2017 should be about how you take every little opportunity to better yourself as a human being to better this world.
In all of the money, fame, social-media obsessed chaos of this world, our society has seemed to forgotten that the only way to truly be happy is to be kind and loving to those around you.
As cliché as this sounds - I can't think about making a New Years Resolution about myself, regardless of if I would ever even remember it by January 2nd because this world needs is kind, caring people, and I should contribute to that need.
We all should contribute to that need - be kind this new year and stop focusing on yourself.
Focus on others in 2017.