With a new year already here, many people struggle with New Years resolutions. I've seen lists after lists of things that you can promise yourself to do. I personally haven't made any until today. I feel as though if I write them down here and share them with others, I am more likely to act on my 2017 goals. Also, maybe some of you will share some of the same goals as me so it's a win-win. One of the first things I would like to do in this new year is read more. I want to read at least one chapter of a book every night before I go to sleep. Usually right before I fall asleep I scroll on social media on my phone. One of the reasons I want to read more is because I truly believe it makes you smarter and really helps your brain grow. I think you can learn so much from reading and I regret not reading enough in past years. Another thing I want to do this year is go to bed earlier on weekdays and wake up earlier. One of the reasons I say this is because I'm starting a new full time job tomorrow where I'll need to leave my house at 630 am every morning. Going to bed early will not only be more beneficial to my health, but it will also make my mornings a little easier.
In 2017 I want to only use self tanning lotions and never step foot in a tanning bed. I want to take better care of my body God blessed me with. With that said, I also want to take more care of my skin with moisturizing and exfoliating. As you can see a pattern of my goals is to do things that will benefit me in the future. I want to learn how to cook more things. I want to learn how to do things that are essential to know if I were living on my own. I think my most important goal is to focus on the positives and spend more time with my family. Having a positive view on life calls for a better overall life. Time spent with family is priceless and those two things I value the most. I hope that some of my resolutions I have shared will inspire you too. Happy new year!