Looking Forward Into The 2017 Football Season | The Odyssey Online
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Looking Forward Into The 2017 Football Season

The blitz for six...

Looking Forward Into The 2017 Football Season
Sports Illustrated

Sundays have been made great again thanks to the return of Sunday Night Football!

Get your NFL gear ready: all of the beer you can consume in one sitting, because this season is bound to be exciting as the last. Of course, there is already lots of controversy happening with this being the first week of football being back. Being from Boston, of course I am going to write all about my boys, The New England Patriots.

Every person that doesn't like the Patriots:

(You only hate us 'cause you ain't us)

Can we just talk about the elephant in the room, though?


During the Patriots first pre-season game against the Detroit Lions, Edelman suffered a torn ACL to his right knee during the first quarter. It was confirmed Sunday, August 20, 2017 that Julian Edelman will be out for the entire 2017 season. Multiple players and even Belichick wish him a speedy and complete recovery; they will move forward with other resources that they have. If everyone could stop tearing their ACLs and getting injured, that'd be great. We just got Gronk back you guys. (ESPN)


Yup, you're seeing it. That is Barstool Sports' own Dave Portnoy (El Presidente) waving the image we've all come to know and love since Goodell suspended Tom Brady for four games in the 2016 season. I am not sure when this happened, but on the day of the Patriots first 2017 season game against the Kansas City Chiefs, Dave also did an interview with CSN, along with other news stations and media outlets. I give Prez a standing ovation for dropping the F bomb in Felger's face and for speaking so well while intoxicated on live television. It was rumored that Goodell did not stay for long at Gillette, for he spoke before many fans would show up. In the interview conducted with CSN and Dave, Felger claims that Goodell doesn't care about #OperationClownFace. He doesn't care, you say? The man showed up to speak early because he knew what he would be walking into if he showed up with a stadium full of Patriots fans. Although some Patriots fans were already in the stands, he was given the proper "welcome" aka, booing him as he entered and exited the stadium. Boston may have the most obnoxious sports fans, but we stick by what we believe in; Goodell is a d**che.

We lost the season opener, now what?

Now what? Stop stressing about it! So what if we lost. Not too worried about it. We have lost three season openers during the Tom Brady era: 2001, 2003; 2014. Guess what seasons we won the Super Bowl during the Tom Brady era? That's right, those seasons! It's not certain that we will win the Super Bowl again this year (or even make it there) but don't be a fake fan and only support because you full-heartedly believe that that will absolutely happen, because it just might not. But let's hope it does. (Boston.com)

Next game:Away on Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 1:00pm against the New Orleans Saints. (NFL.com)

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