2017 Needs Tomi Lahren | The Odyssey Online
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2017 Needs Tomi Lahren

For those of you who think we don't.

2017 Needs Tomi Lahren
Fox News Radio

Tomi Lahren made quite the appearance in 2016 with her majorly conservative views on the network "The Blaze". Her boldness and blunt responses to popular issues in the news has sparked an outrage on social media. From completely blasting Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the pledge of allegiance, to her opinions regarding the Black Lives Matter movement, Lahren has drawn a lot of attention to herself, and has received a lot of harsh feedback from activists and left learning viewers.

Tomi Lahren presents her conservative views in a way that is very bold and forthright, and is often misunderstood for being angry, ignorant, and for taking things out of context. Many people have said that they cannot finish an entire video of hers without feeling ill-tempered and rage towards the host. They cannot fathom how someone can have views that are so extreme and be so serious about them.

Not everyone has stopped there in their questioning of her show, however. Towards the end of the year, many people have said that Tomi Lahren does not need to be featured on television any longer, and that she only causes more problems for the people and issues that she discusses. This view is highly problematic, as everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how strong it may be. To eliminate Lahren would be to go against the First Amendment.

Lahren's views do not harm anyone. She simply makes statements in a way that comes across as very passionate, though very heated. Anyone who watches her show can tell that she gets fired up very easily, but for a reasonable cause. It can be very difficult to get through to people of opposing viewpoints, and it is clear that she really channels her emotions, not only because of how she feels, but to get a reaction out of others, which is good reporting.

There is a difference between stating your opinion, and stating your opinion in a way that is fearless and powerful. Lahren engages in the latter, which explains much of her success. She is not afraid to speak her mind, no matter what the cost is, and she never backs down. This inspires others with similar feelings to continue fighting for what they believe in, although their opinions or beliefs may not be the most popular; but that is what the majority wants to do, silence minority thoughts.

By saying that Tomi Lahren and her show should not be allowed in 2016, it creates a group of people called the Silent Majority. This need to get rid of people with different views is what got Donald Trump elected as the next president. People do not like being silenced or made fun of for their opinions, but once they have had enough, they stop trying to fight their battles publicly, and go to the polls to prove their point. By eliminating Tomi Lahren from the field of the media, it is taking away the voice of many who agree with her, leaving them no other option but to wait until another election to show everyone else how they really feel.

It does not make for good reporting to only feature those who choose to be politically correct. Political incorrectness is sometimes needed to make a point. The problem with our society is that we are so afraid to say the wrong thing, that sometimes we say nothing. We fall into society's and the media's trap of fear and judgment, that we forget the importance of speaking our minds and staying true to our beliefs.

2017 does need Tomi Lahren just as 2017 needs viewpoints from people of all kinds. It is impossible to say that her discussions do not spark thought and discussions amongst others, which can bring people together or further solidify someone's opinion. There is no harm in having people with extreme views present their side to the public. It is admirable, brave, bold, and needed in order to protect our First Amendment rights, and our democracy.

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