Everyone seems to be so excited for 2016 to come to an end. Last year at this time everyone was so excited for 2016 and all it had to offer. There were hundreds of Facebook posts about how everyone was going to make this "their year" and they were going to do things differently. It began with so much hope and potential.
Here we are, 365 days later. In the exact same boat. 2017 is supposed to be a fresh start, its supposed to be the year we all better ourselves. If that happens it will not be by accident. If we want this year to be different we will have to make it different.
Psalm 51:10 says "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me". I do not know about you but that sounds like a marvelous goal and prayer for the year to me.
One of the most amazing things our God is is a creator. He created the stars that sprinkle the night sky with beautiful specks of light. He created the sound of birds chirping in the morning. He created the feeling of sunlight on our skin. He created the taste of each individual fruit. He created the smell a soft breeze carries by the ocean. Without Him first imagining these things, we never would be able to wrap our minds around them, much less create them ourselves. If we want to see a change this year, we cannot try to create it on our own. He has proven with everything around us just how marvelous He is at creating. Lets earnestly ask Him to create in us a pure heart, and seek Him as He does it.
Can you picture the moment you were the closest to God? For most of us, that moment is not right now. His word does not say this by accident. He is fully capable of bringing you back to being that close to Him. We cannot possibly get close enough to God or know Him enough on earth. We also can not fix whatever has brought us away from that closeness on our own. If we truly give Him all of this year, think of how much He can do. How much closer we can get to Him!
I invite you to pray this verse over your year with me. Allow Him to be your goal for the year. Give Him the reins and allow Him to create in you a pure heart, and renew a steadfast spirit within you.
"I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6)