I can't wait for this year's election to be over. I never thought that after waiting 20 years for the first presidential election I could vote in, I would dread the entire thing. Here are some reasons why:
Donald Trump is a joke. Donald Trump is a joke. If he's elected rights for women will basically become obsolete. He is ignorant and rude. He has outlandish ideas about how he will build a wall and force Mexico to pay for it. He is a very loud and racist oompa loompa and I am sick of him and his most recent outrageous commentaries and claims being constantly broadcasted and making headlines. He has made a mockery of the already criticized republican party.
I'm sick of hearing about Hilary Clinton's emails. Clinton constantly contradicts herself. It's tiring to watch her say she is supportive of democratic ideals such as gay marriage, when previous videos show her speaking against it. She is forcing herself to be the democrat of all democrats.
Something that also annoys me is that third party candidates such as Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are not allowed to participate in the presidential elections.
The question I keep asking myself as I continue to watch, read, and cringe at the media coverage of this years elections is "why couldn't Bernie get the nomination?"