Your 2016 Throwback Summer Playlist
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Your 2016 Throwback Summer Playlist

Here's your ultimate 2016 throwback playlist filled with 80 songs to make your summer!

Your 2016 Throwback Summer Playlist

Summer is nothing without some good tunes to listen to during those long car rides to the beach and late nights hanging out with friends. But often we get sick of the constantly played top hits repeatedly played over and over again on the radio. Sometimes it's best to turn off the radio and go back and listen to those classic throwbacks we often forget about, but always love.

Here's your ultimate 2016 throwback playlist filled with 80 songs to make your summer:

1. "Summer" (Calvin Harris)

2. "Hot in Here" (Nelly)

3. "California Girls" (Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dog)

4. "Party in the USA" (Miley Cyrus)

5. "All Summer Long" (Kid Rock)

6. "Ignition" (Remix) (R. Kelly)

7. "Rock Your Body" (Justin Timberlake)

8. "Wild Ones" (Flo Rida ft. Sia)

9. "Promiscuous" (Nelly Furtado)

10. "Dirt Road Anthem" (Jason Aldean)

11. "Umbrella" (Rihanna)

12. "Beautiful Soul" (Jesse McCartney)

13. "Temperature" (Sean Paul)

14. "Hips Don't Lie" (Shakira)

15. "Love Lockdown" (Kanye West)

16. "Hey Ya!" (Radio Mix/Club Mix) (Outkast)

17. "Wannabe" (Spice Girls)

18. "Dirty Little Secret" (All American Rejects)

19. "It Wasn't Me" (Shaggy)

20. "Tik Tok" (Ke$ha)

21. "No Scrubs" (TLC)

22. "Don't Cha" (Pussycat Dolls)

23. "Rich Girl" (Gwen Stefani)

24. "Baby" (Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris)

25. "Break Your Heart" (Taio Cruz)

26. "Run It!" (Chris Brown)

27. "The Real Slim Shady" (Eminem)

28. "Baby One More Time" (Britney Spears)

29. "Meet Me Halfway" (Black Eyed Peas)

30. "OMG" (Usher ft.

31. "Lady Marmalade" (Christina Aguilera)

32. "Say My Name" (Destiney's Child)

33. "Country Girl (Shake It For Me)" (Luke Bryan)

34. "Make Me Proud" (Drake)

35. "A Thousand Miles" (Vanessa Carlton)

36. "Time of Our Lives" (Pitbull)

37. "Whatever You Like" (T.I.)

38. "Sk8er Boi" (Avril Lavigne)

39. "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" (Beyoncé)

40. "Good Girls Go Bad" (Cobra Starship)

41. "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" (Taylor Swift)

42. "In Da Club" (50 Cent)

43. "Fergalicious" (Fergie)

44. "Fireflies" (Owl City)

45. "Low" (Flo Rida)

46. "Burnin' Up" (Jonas Brothers)

47. "Super Bass" (Nicki Minaj)

48. "Whatcha Say" (Jason Derulo)

49. "Last Friday Night (TGIF)" (Katy Perry)

50. "Shake It!" (Metro Station)

51. "Sunday Morning" (Maroon 5)

52. "Obsessed" (Mariah Carey)

53. "Driving Me Crazy" (Sammy Adams)

54. "Hey, Soul Sister" (Train)

55. "Bye, Bye, Bye" (NYSNC)

56. "Knee Deep" (Zac Brown Band ft. Jimmy Buffet)

57. "Suga Suga" (Baby Bash ft. Frankie J)

58. "Blame It" (Jamie Fox ft. T-Pain)

59. "Every Time We Touch" (Cascada)

60. "I Love College" (Asher Roth)

61. "Just Dance" (Lady Gaga)

62. "Day 'n' Nite" (Kid Cudi)

63. "Mr. Brightside" (The Killers)

64. "Since You've Been Gone" (Kelly Clarkson)

65. "Stacey's Mom" (Fountains of Wayne)

66. "Can't Get You Out Of My Head" (Kylie Minogue)

67. "Toxic" (Britney Spears)

68. "Hollaback Girl" (Gwen Stefani)

69. "I Like It" (Enrique Iglesias)

70. "Love Song" (Sara Bareilles)

71. "Jenny From The Block" (Jennifer Lopez)

72. "Empire State of Mind" (Jay Z ft. Alicia Keys)

73. "Fire Burning" (Sean Kingston)

74. "Ride With Me" (Nelly)

75. "Give Me Everything" (Ne-Yo ft. Pitbull, Afrojack, Nayer)

76. "What Makes You Beautiful" (One Direction)

77. "Mambo Number 5" (Lou Bega)

78. "Don't Matter" (Akon)

79. "Call Me Maybe" (Carly Rae Jepsen)

80. "Music" (Madonna)

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