2016: A Review In Pictures | The Odyssey Online
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2016: A Review In Pictures

It really wasn't all bad. Puppies still exist.

2016: A Review In Pictures

A lot of people are saying that 2016 was a hard year. It was a very eventful year for most people. With the election, the Olympics, it being the Obama's last year as our First Family it was an exciting year from start to finish. And of course there was no shortage of beloved celebrities dying. Just recently Carrie Fisher, everyone's favorite Princess Leia, went into cardiac arrest and had to have CPR. She is currently in critical condition. This here is 2016, summed up in pictures.

A woman takes a selfie after Donald Trump won the Republican Nomination.

Protestors called "The Water Protectors" are sprayed with water as they protest The Dakota Access Pipeline.

On January 14 of this year, Alan Rickman passed away after his battle with cancer. I raise my wand to you, Professor Snape.

Black Lives Matter made quite the statement this year. They were the runner up for Time magazines person of the year award. They also stand in solidarity with with the protesters from Standing Rock.

This was the gorilla Harambe who was shot after a toddler fell in his zoo exhibit. He also went on to receive 14,000 presidential votes.

This is the NASA explosion which SpaceX says "an anomaly on the pad" caused the explosioon. No one really knows what this means for NASAs future. This has been their second recent explosion. Additionally this year an engineer who lived his life with guilt from the Challenger explosion has passed away.

Pokémon-Go got many people off the couch and up walking around. Some people got so obsessed they bought plane tickets to another country just so they could get a rare Pokémon.

2016 wasn't all bad. A video of mom in a Chewbacca mask got the world laughing. As well as 164 million views on YouTube.

This years summer Olympics didn't fail to bedazzle. Usain Bolt once again proved why he is the fastest man in the world, Michael Phelps came out of retirement and impressed the world again, and Simone Biles became America's Sweetheart with her incredible athletic ability.

After over a hundred years, the Chicago Bears won the World Series.

This is the war torn country of Syria. Pictures like the one above made many people heartbroken and caused controversy over the refugees attempting to leave their formerly beloved country.

In the summer of 2016, the world mourned a shooting Pulse Nightclub in Florida. Fifty people were killed and fifty-three people were injured by a lone gunman.

Clowns terrified the world this year. At first the clown sightings talked about them just standing there ominously. That escalated to clowns following people home, luring children into the woods, and attempted murder.

Zootopia was the top movie of this year it made well over a billion dollars.

Empire was the most watched show of this year. 17.6 million people watch the show and ratings are very high.

Top paid actress was Jennifer Lawrence with 46 million dollars

Top paid actor was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson with 64 million dollars

Most watched music video was Love Yourself by Justin Bieber with 966,846, 883 views on YouTube.

2016 wasn't all bad. In 2016, people beat depression, cancer, and suicide. The Harry Potter franchise is showing no signs of slowing down. Puppies exist. In India, volunteers planted 50 million trees in 24 hours. We expanded our knowledge of science, medicine, and math. Death by heart disease decreased by 70%. Leonardo DiCaprio won his Oscar. Over 800 Boko Haram hostages were rescued by the Nigerian army. World crime as a whole, has decreased. The population for tigers, manatees, and pandas are all growing. In 2017, we definitely have things to look forward to. Like birthdays, hugging, and the existence of puppies.

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