With the 2016 Presidential election approaching fast, things are starting to get serious. People have been dropping out of the race left and right, while the remaining ones are campaigning—now, more than ever—as they approach the primaries. In all this madness, it's important to remember that it's not always a good thing to take life so seriously. Everyone has that cartoon character that they feel they relate to, whether physically or personality-wise, so I took it upon myself to do the same for a few of the remaining presidential candidates.
First up, Donald Trump. Besides his extreme racism and bigoted personality, Donald Trump is known for being an extremely successful business man. We can poke fun or hate the guy all we want, but, when it comes to economics, he knows his stuff. Which is why the only cartoon character that I felt appropriate for him was none other than Mr. Burns from "The Simpsons." Like Donald Trump, Mr. Burns' net worth is in the billions, he owns a large number of businesses, and embodies a large variety of stereotypes about Corporate America–– just like our friend, Donald Trump.
Next up, we've got Hilary Clinton. Hilary's making history by being the first woman presidential candidate to get this far as in an election, and, for that, I applaud her. While I personally don't believe she should be president just because she's a woman, I think the fact that she is a woman would make Betty Friedan, author of "The Feminine Mystique," one happy camper. Women have come a long way throughout the years—from gaining the right to vote in 1920 to now being able to run for president. One cartoon character that I felt stood for women empowerment was Charlotte Pickles, mom of Angelica Pickles from "The Rugrats,"who is known to go on tangents about "the male-dominated" business world.
Let's not forget Bernie Sanders. One thing that sets Bernie apart from the other presidential candidates would be his age. If elected, he'd be the oldest president we've ever had. When Bernie is on stage during debates, he always has an almost angry look on his face and more or less yells out his opinions. You know that old man impression people do when they scream, "Get off my lawn!"? Yeah, that's the voice my friends and I use when we impersonate him. So what other character fits him better than Mr. Fredricksen from "Up?" At first glance, Mr. Fredricksen is just a grumpy old man but, as the movie progresses, we find that he has a heart of gold. Just like Bernie.
Our last three candidates would be Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio. I'd be lying if I said I know a whole lot about them, which is why I decided to clump them together. All I know is that one of the three of them need to do something (quickly) to ensure that Donald Trump doesn't get the Republican nomination. Hence why I've made them the "Powerpuff Girls." I'll leave it up to you to decide which one is Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles. They're our only hope to save this country from getting Trumped.