Halloween being right around the corner, the pressure to find the perfect costume is upon us. You want something easy, but also something memorable that will give people a good laugh. Here are some new costume trends that are guaranteed to be the best of the party.
1. Presidential Candidates
With the election practically being thrown in our faces constantly, it would only be appropriate to dress like one of our future presidents. Many stores sell Hillary and Trump face masks and then it’s easy go from there. Throw on some business clothes and you’ll be set. It’ll be huuuuuuuge.
2. Pokémon
Whether it’s being the Pokémon trainer, poke-ball or going just as a Pokémon, this costume is sure to be a success. With all the latest craze of Pokémon Go and people being obsessed with finding the newest Pokémon, this is the perfect trend to follow. Another great thing about this particular costume is it can be done individually or in groups.
3. Emojis
Of course, this one made it onto the list! No text, tweet, or post is ever seen without an emoji. There’s thousands to choose one and depending if you want it quick and easy or a little bit more challenging there’s always one for you! It can be done by yourself or get a group pf your friends and all pick ones that go together!
4. Nemo and Dory
Another great outfit for couples! This dynamic pair has always been popular, but with the release of “Finding Dory,” it’s in even higher demand. It can be perfect for children, but also for adults by changing the dress a little bit.
5. Olympic Athletes
With the summer Olympic Games just finishing, this costume is great for keeping up with the times. Buy a simple leotard, athletic pants, and a medal and you’re all set! It can be good for warm weather, but if you’re in an area where it feels like winter, you can throw on a jacket, put the medal over it and you still look like an Olympian!
6. Snapchat Filters
This one is super easy. It mainly requires just a couple accessories/makeup for your facial area and that’s it. Grab some felt and a headband and make ears and become the dog filter! Or, if you're more onto the artistic side, get different face paint and draw on the rainbow mouth. No matter what you choose, everyone will know what you are and it only will take you a couple minutes to complete. It's perfect for a last minute idea!