Have you seen enough of Clinton and Trump on your screens? Tired of hearing more about this year's presidential election? Well if you're looking to escape this incessant news topic, then you've come to the wrong place.
For me, it's hard to write about the 2016 presidential election because I feel like most of the articles I read are all saying the same thing. As a writer, I don't want what I write to be the same as what others write. That being said, the following are all articles and videos that I wish I would have made and that are related to the election and issues concerning the election. I share them in this article because I found them to be unique and thought-provoking, despite how counter-intuitive it might be from my original goal of writing articles different from others.
1. "College Kids Say the Darndest Things: On Identity"
Click here.
This video asks a very important question that I would love to attempt to answer in a later article. At a very basic sense, this 5-foot-9-inch white male asks college students how they would respond if he told them he was a 6-foot-5-inch, Chinese woman. Their answers are not only surprising, but they're also pretty frustrating. It's interesting to hear millennials' voice their opinions...or lack-there-of.
2. "A Linguistic Analysis Of Donald Trump Shows Why People Like Him So Much"
View it here.
As you are looking to not be like those students in the previous video, you'll probably be interested in hearing what the presidential nominees have to say about certain issues. I definitely don't support Trump. If anything, I'm sharing this video with you so that you can be aware of how he uses words to get so many people to support his insane ideas. I just thought this video was really interesting — yes, I'm a nerd. The final quote of the video: "But the next time you feel like Donald Trump has a point, do yourself a favor and look at his words." As you look to form your own opinions, be careful to develop those opinions on facts and your own intentional thinking rather than feelings and emotions that can easily be manipulated by others' words.
3. Skimm The Vote
Skim here.
So where do I hear the actual facts about these candidates? theSkimm is an awesome website and newsletter service (you should definitely subscribe). Skimm The Vote is specifically great to quickly get the important facts about the presidential candidates. You can see who they are, their qualifications, the potential VPs, and their views on important issues. Enjoy!
4. "How Not To Waste Your Vote: A Mathematical Analysis"
Read it here.
Once you've developed and determined your opinions, make sure they don't just stay in your head. Practice expressing those opinions by voting. But I don't like either of the candidates! I don't want to waste my vote by voting for a third party candidate! This article gives the definition of a wasted vote, mathematically calculates the weight/power of your vote, and addresses weighted vote fallacies. If you love math and have a pragmatic/logical viewpoint, this article is for you.
5. "You're Scaring the Children"
Watch it here.
So you've developed, checked, and voiced your opinions. Now watch this video and remember to have a right perspective on this election, whether your opinions are represented in America's next elected president or not. So many articles. So many minutes of video content. But I hope you got a chance to view at least one of them. Because, if this is a presidential election, we need to make sure we take the time to intentionally inform ourselves and take a stance on the topics that are going to be influenced in the near future.