There’s only a couple weeks left in this awful awful AWFUL wretched year, but waiting has never been my strong suit so I’ve called it, it's over I’ve made the executive decision we’re ending 2016 early this year due to unforeseen issues. 2016 has been…well, it's hard to describe in one word. It’s been a real doozy, that's all I can say. From start to finish, this year has been full of trials and tribulations that have pushed us to our limit.
2016 felt like it took a lot more from us then it gave. From start to finish, it feels like we’ve lost more than we’ve gained. Celebrities who were inspirations, such as David Bowie, Prince, Gene Wilder, Alan Rickman, and Muhammad Ali, aren't with us anymore. Many others, famous or not, didn't make it through 2016 and its important not only to mourn their deaths, but celebrate their lives. Life is fleeting, so it's important to make the most of it. We have to remember those who inspired us and continue to try and create beauty in the world.
We not only lost people, but we lost control of our emotions as well.
Political discourse from the 2016 election has people feeling more divided then ever, stark differences in view have been the cause of arguments, protests and even riots. There was a lot of hate in 2016, and it seems having qualities like empathy and compassion were punished rather than rewarded. We can’t allow that to continue in the next year. Some people may find value in lacking humanity and having peripheral vision focused only on themselves. That’s not real value, though. Real value comes from lifting others up and trying to help them, not knocking them down. It comes from the desire to protect others and help one another, rather then only looking out for personal interest.
Honestly, I’m sure most people are looking forward to 2017, a fresh start, a chance to change for the better. I say, why wait? Why try to put your happiness in a place that doesn't exist yet? Focus and try to be happy in the present instead of planning it for the future.
(also the movie Suicide Squad was a bust and I was super excited for that movie when I first heard it was happening. Screw 2016)