Words are being shot back and forth across the United States. Words of anger, hate, and small voices of reason. Reason is being drowned out by hate and anger and its disquieting.
The 2016 presidential race is not about who. It's becoming apparent that no candidate is the leader that we need. People are choosing the lesser of two evils on the individual level. It's coming to the point that some are disregarding party lines or sticking to their party lines even if they hate their party's candidate. Let's face it: this election isn't about parties, it's about personalities and moral compasses.
To anyone who personally knows me knows that I flat out refuse to vote for Donald Trump. I already anticipate the flood of disapproval by family because half of them are hard-core Trump supporters. But I don't intend of being quieted by a generation who claims that they know "better" than the new generation of voters.
I refuse to vote for Trump because of his immaturity and un- presidential behavior. The early GOP debates were nothing more than uncivilized cavemen trying to figure out who's pickle was bigger . Trump's unprofessional behavior is what shut him down to the new generation of voters. And that's just the bare bones of why some young people despise Trump.
His racist and politically incorrect language angers and scares many Americans. I couldn't imagine being a minority that Trump has spoken against or has mislabeled due to lack of political correctness.
Republican ideals and platform aside, I completely understand that Trump has some decent ideas. I understand that Trump is a business man and some feel that's what America needs. However, Trump's personality and his way of dealing with people who aren't supportive of him or who aren't like him is despicable. If you take away all the racist comments, "the wall" nonsense, and everything that makes Trump a joke, then he could possibly be an okay candidate. But the way he is now is not someone who could represent the United States to the rest of the world.
On the other side of the aisle, I could see why people despise Hillary Clinton. The Benghazi Attacks and the email scandal leads to massive distrust of Hillary being the President of the free world. Some go as far to call her a murderer and a product of big politics due to the Clinton dynasty. The Clinton's can seem sketchy at times. However, as far as my opinion goes, if Hillary was President I could sleep at night because I wouldn't fear for an international incident like I would with Trump.
With the recent drop out of Cruz and Kasich, it is becoming more and clearer who the candidates will be coming out of the Republican and Democrat conventions. And the opinions are coming down to, not which candidate is better, but which candidate is the lesser of two evils. To me, Hillary seems to the be the lesser evil. To others, Hillary is the ultimate evil and are rallying behind Trump, the straight talking business and that's going to make America great again.
Now, students and my fellow new voter generation peers are screaming "Feel the Bern!"
I also realize I'm going to get hate in the comments for saying anything other than "I'm feeling the Bern."
Bernie Sanders is an amazing guy. He's someone that social justice warriors can rally behind. He's different and he's different in the way that the younger generation can fall in love with him. However, at this point in the game, Bernie is probably not going to get the DNC nomination. He's too liberal for the moderates and too liberal for any of the Republicans that want to jump the Trump Yacht.
In closing of this article, think what you will. These are my own comments and thoughts. I have been reluctant to write this article for months because I knew the hate comments would come with it. My only wish when it comes to the debate on politics: be professional and courteous.