If you’re in need of better vision, wearing glasses is like a whole new world! You can actually see leaves, take notes and everything isn’t blurry. But having bad eyesight can be a little troublesome and annoying at times.
Does anyone else have the same problems?
1. Hot drinks.
A nice cup of something hot always sounds pleasant until you can’t see and have to patiently wait for your glasses to defog, only to accidentally fog them up again, resulting in taking off your glasses.
2. Your glasses actually staying on your nose.
I can’t speak for everybody, but as someone with a very flat nose, my glasses are sure to fall after I push them back up. Even after adjustments.
3. Dirty glasses.
I just cleaned my glasses again! Only took a whole minute for it to get dirty! Might as well not clean them at all.
4. Getting up in the middle of the night…
And forgetting your glasses and everything is a blur. And a black dot on the wall is easily mistaken for a spider.
5. Dropping your glasses.
Dropping your glasses is one thing. Losing the tiny screw while you do so is even worse.
6. Waking up.
What a dream it would be if I could wake up and see! Instead, I have to fumble for my glasses.
7. Losing your glasses.
Probably one of the worst things about needing glasses is losing them. How in the heck am I supposed to find the things that help me see when I can’t see?!
8. Lasik.
Only cost a couple thousand if you want to see normally again!
9. Photos.
Taking off your glasses during photos, and not being sure where to look.
10. Driving when it’s sunny.
It’s not so bad — until you forget to bring your sunglasses out on a day the sun blinds you, so you wear sunglasses… on top of your glasses.
11. Driving when it’s dark.
Less light exposure makes it more difficult to see when it’s dark, especially if your prescription is out of date.
12. Listening.
For some reason, it is difficult to listen to someone when you can’t see very well.
13. Walking in rain.
It sucks.
14. Double-checking.
When you’re not sure whether you saw something right, so you push your glasses up.
15. Getting a headache.
Sometimes my head is too big for my glasses, so my brain and ears hurt, but when I take them off, I also get a headache.
16. Eye exams.
Not only can you not see without aid, but you need to pay for it!
17. My wallet.
Did I mention how expensive it is? Not only eye exams every year, but you need to pay more for contact exams. Then you have to pay for contacts, contact solutions, glasses frames, lenses…
18. Nice glasses?
Sure! They are usually only at least a hundred bucks over your price range.
19. New prescriptions...
...are awesome! It is also the time you wonder if your eyesight will ever stop getting worse. Oh. right. Never.
20. When people try on your glasses and say...
“You’re so blind!” Thanks, I didn't know! I’ve only had bad eyesight for 13 years and can't see squat without it!
Having bad eyesight isn’t all that bad, but sometimes it’s fun to laugh at your struggles. They are a hassle, but they’re worth it. For real, glasses are a life-saver. I don’t know what I would do without them. I’d practically be blind!