If you're a sorority girl, you know that you have a few things in your life that are a bit different from everyone else's, including your vocabulary. Here's 20 words that mean something very different when you are living "the srat life."
1. "Chapter"
To the rest of the world: A grouping or section of text in a book or novel in literature.
To the sorority girl: Your group of 200 closest friends, who love, respect and help cultivate you to the fullest of your ability; your family.
2. "Little"
To the rest of the world: Small.
To the sorority girl: The most amazing friend and mentee that you'll ever have, the only person that you'll spoil, probably more than your future grandkids.
3. "Comfort"
To the rest of the world: A state of ease, physically or mentally.
To the sorority girl: Wearing a sorority tee (often Comfort Colors), leggings or Nike shorts, whenever and wherever you can.
4. "Pin"
To the rest of the world: A piece of metal with a sharp point at one end that attaches through a piece of cloth.
To the sorority girl: A symbol of your love and devotion to your group, must never be lost or misplaced, however hard that may be.
5. "Formal"
To the rest of the world: Dressy, suitable for an important or fancy situation or occasion.
The the sorority girl: Another chance to do Prom the right way (but much better).
6. "Squat"
To the rest of the world: A surprisingly difficult exercise to work the buttocks, hamstrings and quads.
To the sorority girl: The pose of choice for sorority girl pictures everywhere.
7. "Recruit"
To the rest of the world: To enlist, persuade to join or sign up someone to join a group.
To the sorority girl: Late nights, long days with your sisters, and finding the future of your sorority through a gruesome yet rewarding process that is both exhausting and exhilarating.
8. "Bump"
To the rest of the world: To collide with someone or something, often on accident.
To the sorority girl: The law of recruitment, to change conversations, make awkward transitions and walk around the room without direction.
9. "Throw What You Know"
To the rest of the world: To propel something or pitch it in a direction, often in sports.
To the sorority girl: To flash the symbol of sisterhood, unique to your group, special to all who know how to get it right.
10. "Letters"
To the rest of the world: Characters in the alphabet, a written note expressing or conveying something to its reader.
To the sorority girl: You wear them proudly, to display the love you have for the sisterhood, shirts that you collect (and hoard) on a regular basis.
11. "GIN"
To the rest of the world: A clear, alcoholic beverage made from juniper berries.
To the sorority girl: The system that keeps your chapter going, where all info is posted and your calendar of sorority events fills up without warning, you probably just figured out how to use it.
12. "Philanthropist"
To the rest of the world: Someone, often rich, who gives money to the poor or needy and volunteers their time as needed.
To the sorority girl: Every single member of your sisterhood, who is passionate about giving back and supporting your cause, whatever that might be.
13. "Sweetheart"
To the rest of the world: A candy often sold around Valentine's Day, a term of endearment to a loved one.
To the sorority girl: An honorable man, a friend to the sisterhood and a babe who you will always say has a special place in your heart and an amazing relationship with your chapter.
14. "Retreat"
To the rest of the world: To fall back or withdraw from a conflict.
To the sorority girl: A precious time to hang out and bond with your sisters, a time to grow closer.
15. "Dues"
To the rest of the world: A person's obligatory right, what is owed to someone or something.
To the sorority girl: Your monthly allowance may not cover this one, get out your wallets, girls.
To the rest of the world: Apparel or accessories that advertise your favorite school or sports team, brand or product.
To the sorority girl: The coolest shirts and swag to rep your sisterhood, that you wish you had enough money to buy all the time.
17. "Ritual"
To the rest of the world: A ceremony, often solemn or religious.
To the sorority girl: The secret, sacred and respectful way that keeps your sisterhood close and bonds you together.
18. "Tailgate"
To the rest of the world: A giant party and cookout before a sporting event, most often football.
To the sorority girl: The chance to hang out with your sisters, eat free food and wear your school colors.
19. "Paddle"
To the rest of the world: A short pole with a broad side on one end, that helps row a boat.
To the sorority girl: A sacred tradition, a craft that your Big or yourself made, in honor of your sisterhood.
20. "Sister"
To the rest of the world: A woman or girl, related to you through a parent or guardian.
To the sorority girl: The most amazing woman you will ever know, who keeps you honest, loyal and true to the values that you share.