There are about eleventy billion words that could be used to describe how college students constantly feel in their everyday life.
There are words to express happiness, sadness, and even how stressed we are. And there are also words that explain life that have not hardly been heard of...
Here are 20 Words Every College Student Needs to Know Exist:
1.) Equanimity
2.) Ubuntu
3.) Fika
4.) Abditory
5.) Eccedentesiast
6.) Dysania
7.) Logastellus
8.) Scripturient
9.) Aeipathy
10.) Eunoia
11.) Atelophobia
12.) Mellifluous
13.) Sonder
14.) Epoch
15.) Monachopsis
16.) Metanoia
17.) Cunctator
18.) Tidsoptimist
19.) Fernweh
20.) Meraki
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