You know it's the end of the semester when...
1. Those very few here and there all-nighters throughout the semester become a dreaded nightly routine.
2. And the next thing you know, it is 7 in the morning and you feel like you have done absolutely nothing.
3.Your triple trenta iced coffee is your wing-man. Can I get a refill? or 2?
4. Your campus flex bucks have become practically nonexistent.
5. Professors start referring to the final exam or that one end of the semester project that you have known about since syllabus week.
6. You take the elevator to class, yet your class is just one floor up.
7. Finding an open table on the quiet floor is about the chances of you winning the Powerball.
8. Every time you open up the online grading system you send up a quick prayer up.
9. You honestly don't know if the shirt you're currently wearing is clean or dirty-- but, it's okay because we're all in the same boat.
10. You have calculated every possible way to make an A in each class....or a passing grade will suffice too...
11. Your mood swings can go from 0-100 real quick and you have no explanation what so ever.
12. As you are in the library "studying" for that final you have in a few days you start to think "Well on the plus side, Christmas is almost here"
13. Then hours go by and you catch yourself searching for possible Christmas gifts...*calls grandma*
14. Skipping class becomes more and more of a temptation and you know this isn't the time for all that.
15. "You look tired" is taken as a compliment and you're completely fine with it.
16. You start to heavily reminisce on how you said at the beginning of the semester you "wouldn't procrastinate."
17. When you have to fill out professor evaluations and think to yourself, "wait..I don't even know their name."
18. Getting delirious and thinking everything is ridiculously hilarious.
19. Then those few people who feel the urge to brag about their GPA's that literally nobody gives a shit about.
20. And finally, you just down right want to drop out.