Those of you who know me know that I absolutely love corny jokes, especially puns. Although I would never recommend breaking up with someone like this, here are a few puns that will make you shake your head and maybe lose a little bit of respect for me due to corniness. Here we go...
1. A man like you is not a-peeling.
2. We just don't make a good pear.
3. Breaking up is nothing to wine about.
4. We just aren't a grape couple.
5. You are not the apple of my eye.
6. You drive me coconuts.
7. We donut belong together.
8. We are not mint to be.
9. I don't want to be jalapeńo business anymore.
10. I am being for cereal. This is the real dill.
11. Peas leave me alone.
12. I am berry sorry it had to end this way.
13. We've been through so much, but now it's time to say good-pie.
14. I cantaloupe with you.
15. I am nacho girl anymore.
16. There's nothing left to taco-bout.
17.You butter believe we are over.
18. I am feta-up with you.
19. It just seems like you don't carrot all anymore.
20. Beet it.