If you are a college student or you are going to be a college student, make the dorm bunk bed your new friend. Whether you are sleeping on a loft bed or a top bunk, get cozy with it. This is going to be your bed for the next year; you might be living in the dorms for the next few years. You will learn to become accustomed to bumping your head on the ceiling every morning and the feeling that you might fall off the side of the bed. But this is all part of the college experience: living in tight spaces and feeling claustrophobic. But here are a few tips to learning how to make the dorm bed your home.
1. You might like the idea of getting the bottom bunk bed.
You can now flop in bed when you get home after a rough day of classes. You have more of a motivation to get up in the morning because you won't have to walk down a ladder to get ready. So relax. The bottom section is all yours.
2. But in other respects, if you are on the bottom bunk, you have someone sleeping on top of you.
Uggggh, you hear all their movements, all the bed creaks, and all their farts throughout the night. You just can't sleep with all this noise.
3. On the top, you are the one moving the bed so the bottom person won't effect you as much.
You are in control of the movements of the bed so switch positions at night as much as you like.
4. If you are on the top, decorate your space.
It doesn't matter how small it is up there. Make this space homey. Add pictures of you and your loved ones.
5. You can also fall off your ladder.
Make sure you watch your step climbing the ladder. You don't want to fall off like I did. Landing in the trashcan off the side of the bed isn't fun.
6. Make sure the ladder is attached to the bed as well.
You also don't want the ladder falling off with you on it.
7. Watch out for nails that can be sticking out from the side of the bed.
These are always fun to scratch your hand on.
8. Hang pictures on the wall.
Make your sleeping place remind you of the things you love.
9. Put a lot of pillows up there to make it feel like you are sleeping on a cloud.
Who doesn't like the concept of sleeping on a pile of clouds?
10. Put a trashcan near the bottom of you bed.
That way, if you have trash, you won't have to climb down your ladder to throw it out. Score a few shots.
11. Use the window sill as a cup holder.
If there is enough room to fit a hot cocoa on it, put your drink up there.
12. Play hide and go seek.
If you're small enough, your roommates won't even notice you are up there.
13. Attach your phone cord going up the side of the bed.
This way, you won't have to climb down to charge your phone. Now, you can sit on your phone all night and it won't die.
14. Knock on your wall.
If you know your next door neighbors, knock on the wall just to bug them. They won't know why they hear knocking sounds from high up in the walls.
15. Knock on the ceiling above you.
16. Decorate the handles of your bunk bed with things you love.
17. Put a ton of stuffed animals up there.
That way, if you are embarrassed about your stuffed animals, no one will know you have them if they are on the top bunk.
18. Take lots of selfies.
No one will notice you are taking them up there.
19. Don't drink up in your bed.
You are going to have to go to the bathroom. Imagine how little your motivation level will be if you have to climb down your ladder.
20. Leave a note for your roommates that you are asleep.
Sometimes roommates won't be able to tell if you are asleep in your bunk bed. The minute they enter the room they might flash the lights on or be loud. If you want to get some rest, leave a polite note on the door or send a text. Trust me, it will mean the world later.
I have learned that the top bunk isn't that bad. So enjoy the college experience and get cozy.